Advantages of the Internet
1) The Internet is the largest source of information. Answer to any possible question can be found there. Apart from that, the Internet stores everything one might need. Books, movies, music, pictures, and so on.
2) The Internet is a good educational platform. Online education is not an uncommon thing anymore. Thanks to the Internet, people can choose both what to learn and where to learn. We can join a webinar or sign up for a course taught by a teacher from another country. Apart from that, the Internet is full of free courses and educational websites.
3) The Internet connects people. The Internet helps us stay in touch with other people. For example, we can use social networks to communicate with friends. We can find new friends through special websites. We can even call each other using Skype and similar programs.
4) To buy something you don't even have to leave your home. You can buy it on the Internet. Holidays, tickets, clothes, even food.
Disadvantages of the Internet
1) The abundance of all the information one can find on the Internet, sometimes makes it really difficult to find the right information. In this case, the best thing is to use reliable and official websites.
2) The Internet unites people, indeed. Unfortunately, some people spend too much time on social networks forgetting about face-to-face communication. Social networks and other online services will never replace communication in real life. That is why they should be used within reasonable limits.
3) When using the Internet, do not forget about safety. As there are people who work towards the Internet safety, there are people who work towards hacking into other people’s computers to steal their personal data.
1 (По горизонтали). Sick - Well (Больной - Здоровый)
1 (По вертикали). Lose - Win (Проигрыш - Выигрыш)
2. First - Last (Первый - Последний)
3. Open - Close (Открытый - Закрытый)
4. Before - After (До - После)
5. True - False (Истина - Ложь)
6. West - East (Запад - Восток)
7. Short - Long (Короткий - Длинный)
8. Bottom - Top (Низ - Верх)
9. Work - Play (Работать - Играть)
10 (По горизонтали). Leave - Stay (Покинуть - Остаться)
10 (По вертикали). Different - Same (Разный - Одинаковый)
11. Teach - Learn (Учить - Учиться)
12 (По горизонтали). Worse - Better (Худший - Лучший)
12 (По вертикали). Girl - Boy (Девочка - Мальчик)
13. False - True (Ложь - Истина)
14. More - Less (Больше - Меньше)
15. Sweet - Sour (Сладкий - Кислый)
16. Old - Young (Старый - Молодой)
17. Rough - Gentle (Грубый - Нежный)
18. Hot - Cold (Горячий - Холодный)
19. Off - On (Выключенный - Включённый)
20 (По горизонтали). Skinny - Fat (Худой - Толстый)
20 (По вертикали). Sink - Float (Тонуть - Плыть)
21. South - North (Юг - Север)
22. Sad - Happy (Грустный - Весёлый)
23. Under - Over (Под - Над)
24. Odd - Even (Нечётный - Чётный)
25. Truth - Lie (Правда - Ложь)
26 (По горизонтали). Messy - Tidy (Беспорядок - Порядок)
26 (По вертикали). Student - Teacher (Ученик - Учитель)
27. Absent - Present (Отсутствие - Присутствие)
28. Go - Stop (Двигать вперёд - Стоять)
29. Begin - End (Начинать - Заканчивать)
30. Full - Hungry (Сытый - Голодный)
31. Beautiful - Ugly (Красивый - Уродливый)
32. Wrong - Right (Верный - Неверный)
33. Tame - Wild (Ручной - Дикий)
34. Soft - Hard (Мягкий - Жёсткий)
35. Cry - Laugh (Плакать - Смеяться)
36. Rude - Polite (Грубый - Вежливый)
37. Sink - Rise (Опускаться - Подниматься)
38. Out - In (Снаружи - Внутри)
39. Dry - Wet (Сухой - Мокрый)
40. Substract - Add (Вычесть - Сложить)
Заполненный кроссворд во вложении.
Did you was in a tourist trip?
Do you have acceleration to arrive at the airpot qickly?
Do we have a money to buy a single ticket?
Did I need to go to buy a return ticket?