the best way to get a chance to get it right away and we can get a lot of people who want to do with the same time as a result of the most part of the most part of the most part of the most
Are there many animals in our region? ОБЩИЙ Are there many animals or birds in our region? АЛЬТЕРНАТИВНЫЙ Where are there many animals? СПЕЦИАЛЬНЫЙ How many animals are there in our region? Who is there in our region? К ПОДЛЕЖАЩЕМУ There are many animals in our region, aren't there? РАЗДЕЛИТЕЛЬНЫЙ
There aren't many animals in our region.
В Perfect: There have been many animals in our region. There had been many animals in our region. There will have been many animals in our region.
А вот в Continuous или Perfect Continuous это предложение нельзя поставить. Или я чего-то не понимаю….
– When will we have dinner? This morning I have only eaten some buckwheat porridge and have drunk a glass of tea, and now it is already 2 pm. – Dinner is ready. Help me, please, (to) lay the table: put the plates, lay out the spoons, forks and knives, slice some bread. – I've done everything. What else can I do? – Nothing more. Sit down at the table. – Oh, what does it smell so delicious? What are we having for dinner today? – Soup with sour cream. I have just cooked.