1 I'm into tennis or basketball
2 I'm good at tennis, but I'm not good at basketball
3 do you prefer dancing or photography
4 I've gotta a camera, but i haven't got a laptop
5 is this your book or your brother's book?
6 i really like judo and taekwondo
AND - That one action follows another in the chronological order.( AND - действие (или что либо другое) после другого в хронологическом порядке:
i like judo AND football)
BUT - The conjunction but is used to suggest a contrast. (Соединение, "но" используется, чтобы предложить контраст: i like: i would bye a game, but i haven't money.)
OR - The conjunction or is used to suggest that only one possibility can be realized.(используется когда даётся выбор или что-то вроде этого ( я так понял) : what do you prefer, smartphone or laptop?)
1. Big Ben officially called The Elizabeth Tower. It has four clock faces 3. The tower has five bells hanging inside 4. The clock was completed in 1859. 5. The largest bell is officially known as Great Bell (Sir Benjamin) 6. In addition to Big Ben, smaller bells hang in the beliry 7. These bells are called four nameless quarter bells 8. Elizabeth Tower is 316 feet (96 m) meters high 9. For more than 150 years the tower was known as the clock tower or sometimes Great Bell. 10. Visitors who wish to see the top have to climb over 11 floors.
Big Ben’s Сlock is over 150 years old.
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