1. What ...a fine day is today! 2. He usually smokes ... cigarettes or ..a. pipe. 3. What do you prefer: ... tea or coffee? 4. I went to ... Iyanovs, but they weren't at home. 5. They met at ..the. gate of .a.. school. 6. In ... our region of ..a. country ... winter is ..a. very cold season. 7. ..The. Large steel bridge joins ... two banks of ... river. 8. ... Rice and ..the. cotton grow in ... Ukraine now. 9. ... People who live in ... Canada speak French and ... English. 10. Both ... silver and ... gold are metals. 11. ... North America is washed by ..the. Pacific and ..the. Atlantic oceans. 12. He spent ... summer of 1990 in ... London. 13. ..the. triangle has 3 sides. 14. the... knowledge is .the.. power.
Alot of factories produce waste and is drained into rivers. so the water in the rivers becomes poisoned. the hole in the ozone layer is very dangerous to humans: ultraviolet radiation passes through them and reaches the ground. such radiation may cause dangerous diseases. the population of many countries is suffering from lack of water. nuclear weapons can produce terrible destruction on our planet. nuclear power plants are not so “clean” as some believe: they become the source of the contamination. the environment is everything you see around you. today people understand the need to keep it clean, if humanity wants to survive.