Перед исчислимыми ставиться артикль а ( a dog, a sofa), когда предмет снова упоминается или мы имеем ввиду определенный предмет ставится the, перед гласными исчеслчемыми ставим an( an apple, an orange)
Hello! I want to tell you some information about me. Last time , I am fond of sport and i want to tell you about my favourite kind of sport. I am fond of swiimming. I go in for swimming and i like it so much. i attend the swimming pool, i train in the swimming pool twice a week. I like my trains. i have many friends there and we like to spend time together and speak about how sport influents in our health and life. Also i have my favourite swimmer. His name is Michael Phelps. I want to be like him.
Сочинение мой любимый вид спорта - плаванье. hello! I want to tell you some information about me. Last time , I am fond of sport and i want to tell you about my favourite kind of sport. I am fond of swiimming. I go in for swimming and i like it so much. i attend the swimming pool, i train in the swimming pool twice a week. I like my trains. i have many friends there and we like to spend time together and speak about how sport influents in our health and life. Also i have my favourite swimmer. His name is Michael Phelps. I want to be like him. Сочинение мой любимый вид спорта - велоспорт. hello! I want to tell you some information about me. Last time , I am fond of sport and i want to tell you about my favourite kind of sport. I am fond of cycling. I go in for cycling and i like it so much. i attend the cycling Club, i train in the cycling Club twice a week. I like my trains. i have many friends there and we like to spend time together and speak about how sport influents in our health and life.
вот тебе артикли:
Неопределенный артикль.
I saw a man crossing the street. — Я видел (какого-то или одного) человека, переходящего улицу.
И определенный артикль.
I’ve heard the man is very rich. — Я слышал, что этот человек очень богат.