Where did you go on your holidays What did you do on your holidays Did you spend your holidays with your friends or parents Can you study English or other languages on your holidays Do you like relaxing on your holidays Have you visited your relatives on your holidays What interesting books have you read in your holidays Can we spend our next holiday in my home Should you go to abroad on your holidays
Осенью, когда в школе были каникулы, мы с родителями отправились на прогулку в старый городской парк, где растут огромные деревья. Мы наслаждались дивным осенним воздухом, любовались очарованием природы и собирали разноцветные листья. Вдруг я увидела сидящую на сосне серенькую белочку. Да-да, именно серенькую! Она наблюдала за мной своими внимательными глазками-бусинками. Мне так захотелось погладить ее! Я попробовала подойти поближе. Но пушистая незнакомка, махнув хвостиком, быстро скрылась в кроне дерева. Все последующие дни я приходила в парк, мечтая снова повстречать красавицу и познакомиться с ней поближе. А для того чтобы задобрить белочку, у меня всегда были припасены в кармане курточки орешки и семечки. Но, увы, больше я ее не видела. Очевидно, у нее было много дел, и в отличие от меня она не могла позволить себе долгие прогулки по парку.
My favourite play by Shakespeare is "Romeo and Juliet". It is a play about love between a boy and a girl from Italy. Their families are enemies and are against their love. So the young people have to hide their feelings and finally they die because of the hatred and misunderstanding of the world around them. I like this play because it shows the power of eternal love. It also tells how far people can go to be with their beloved ones. If I had a chance, I would meet Romeo to tell him that Juliet was not dead, she was just sleeping. And the tragedy could be turned into a nice love story. This play is very good for a school theater because the main characters are very young, the same age as many schoolchildren at school. The love story of two young people from the 16th century can be very interesting for us all. There are also many characters in the play, so a lot of people can take part in it.
What did you do on your holidays
Did you spend your holidays with your friends or parents
Can you study English or other languages on your holidays
Do you like relaxing on your holidays
Have you visited your relatives on your holidays
What interesting books have you read in your holidays
Can we spend our next holiday in my home
Should you go to abroad on your holidays