Переведите на : питер паркер живёт в нью йорке.его лучшая подруга мери джейн.однажды питера укусил паук. теперь он силён и быстр и может лазить по стенам.его враг,зелёный гоблин
Peter Parker lives in new York.His best friend Mary Jane.One day Peter was bitten by a spider. Now he is strong and fast and can climb walls.His enemy,the Green Goblin
Peter Parker lives in New York.His best friend is Mary Jane.One day Peter was bitten by spider.Now he is powerful and fast,he can climb the walls.His enemy is Green Goblin.
On Sunday we went an a day trip to London. It (was raining) when we (started) and a strong wind (was blowing). But when we (arrived), the rain had already (stopped) and only little white clouds (were flying) across the sky. We (were) sure we (would have) a wonderful day. And we (did). We (visited) the National Gallery and (felt) quite happy. After that we (saw) a colorful procession (walking) along the Mall. At 2 o'clock our group (was) in the Tower of London. There we (were told) a lot of legends: about the ravens who (live) there and about the kings and queens who (had lived) there. It had already (become) quite hot when we (left) the Tower. So, our teacher (lead) us to Hyde Park where we (found) some shady place and (watched) the ducks (floating) in the water.
Not a single game of the highlanders is complete without pushing a stone. The ancient description of the games of the mountaineers speaks of two types of this competition: the "stone of masculinity" and the "stone of strength." The Stone of Manliness is a huge stone or projectile weighing over 100 pounds. The competitor must remove this stone from a certain height or move it from one place to another. The Stone of Power is the second competition, which today is called the Shot Put. The competitor must throw as far as possible a cobblestone or projectile weighing 8 to 30 pounds.
Ни одна игра горцев не обходится без толкания камня. В древнем описании игр горцев говорится о двух видах этого соревнования: «камень мужественности» и «камень силы». «Камень мужественности» — это огромный камень или снаряд весом более 100 фунтов. Участник соревнования должен снять этот камень с определенной высоты или переместить его с одного места на другое. «Камень силы» — второе соревнование, которое в наши дни получило название «Толкание ядра». Участник должен как можно дальше бросить булыжник или снаряд весом от 8 до 30 фунтов.