Hello! Today I would like to tell you about two famous people who are in the news at the moment. They are Dorofeeva and Monatik. Reporters are talking about them now, because they have recently made a new video clip for the song "Deep". Many people are following in love with their music as they have not sung together before. Besides, the clip was made in Paris. It is very bright and beautiful. Additionally, the celebrities amazed their fans with their wonderful choreography. The song become vast popular, because of its music, lyrics and dance.
1a (используем Future Simple in the Past, т.к. речь в придаточном предложении идет о будущем, но в главном предложении сказуемое стоит в времени)
2b (используем Future in the Past, как и выше, но только не Simple, а Continuous, т.к. действие предполагает длительный процесс. Перфектные формы не подходят: нет указания, к какому моменту Анна закончит упаковывать вещи)
3c ( здесь в главной части сказуемое в наст. времени, поэтому в придаточной используем Future Simple для обозначения простого действия в будущем)
4d (в главной части сказуемое в наст. времени, поэтому в придаточной не нужно использовать формы с would, а перфектные формы не подходят, т.к. действие совершится в указанное время, а не до него)
2) Which kind of film do you prefer?
3) Do you like to go to the cinema with friends or alone?
4) Do you like to watch different comedies?
5) When is it better to go to the cinema?
6) Do your parents go with you to the cinema or you watch films at home on TV?
7) With whom you prefer to go to the theatre: with your friends or with your parents?
8) Do you like to watch new films?
9) Which theatre do you usually visit?
10) Do you buy food and drinks in the cinema and in the theatre?