1) I have got a cat 2) My brother have got a pen 3) My best friend have got a beautiful pencilcase 4) My GrandMother have got a dog 5) My Friend have got a pencil 6) I have got a toy
Какую комнату ты хотел бы иметь? Представь, что вы сделали в комнате изменения. Нарисуй картинки. Напиши, что ты изменил. Опиши эти вещи. Используй глаголы из рамочки.(перекрасить, красить, украсить, поставить)
I have painted the door light-brown I have put my wardrobe on the left near the bookcase I have painted the floor orange. I have decorated the wall with the carpet. I have repainted the floor light-brown. I have put the carpet on the floor near the wardrobe. I have put my bed near the desk. I have put my desk near the window.
(But my parents were at the theatre) (But I was in the Crimea) (But my nephew is a schoolboy) (But his friend is an engineer) (But Jane will be a good wife for Tom) (But I was lazy) (But my friend was late) (But his sister is a doctor) (But he will be at 12) (But my brother is going to marry.)
His sister is a student. Her brothers is a worker. My grandfather is old. Our house is warm and light. Is your friend a doctor? Is his English good? What is its meaning? Their friends are not students. Its colour is unusual. Its pronunciation is difficult.
-His brother's wife works at the hospital. -This girl's name is Jane. -My friend's family as large. -This woman's husband is a worker. -My sons' room is warm and light. -The boys' book are on the desk. -The children's dog is funny.
2) My brother have got a pen
3) My best friend have got a beautiful pencilcase
4) My GrandMother have got a dog
5) My Friend have got a pencil
6) I have got a toy