Я не знаю какие слова нужно вставить, но может быть у тебя есть пример? Если без примера то вот -
In my free time l read the books and ... I listen to music and songs I watch TV and VIDEOS At the weekend l go to Picnic or walk At school l play games and learn the lessons
1. The traffic is heavy today. Leave home earlier. 2. We liked the hotel. We advise you to stay there. 3. Last year we participated in an international conference on globalization. 4. In the center of the City there is the London Stock Exchange, where daily transactions are made to purchase and sell millions of shares and securities. 5. I usually walk to work, but it's raining today, so I'm going by bus. 6. Where is my report? I have just taken it to to be typed. 7. If you agree to our terms and conditions, we will give you a discount.
People travel by train, by plane, by ship or boat and by car. All means of travel have their advantages and disadvantages. And people choose one according to their plans and preferences. The best way of traveling is by plane, as it is the fastest and one of the most comfortable means of travelling. Passengers are requested to arrive at the airport 2 hours before departure time on international flights and an hour on domestic flights, as there must be enough time to complete the necessary airport formalities. Before passengers get on board the plane, they have to register their luggage. Each passenger is given a boarding pass to be shown at the departure gate and again to the stewardess when boarding the plane. Landing formalities and custom regulations are more or less the same in all countries: while still on board the plane the passengers are given arrival cards to fill in. After the passengers have disembarked, officials will check his passport and visa. Then the passengers go to the custom for an examination of their luggage. As a rule personal belongings may be brought in duty-free. In some cases the custom inspector may ask you to open your bag for inspection. #JonSnowAlive
Если без примера то вот -
In my free time l read the books and ... I listen to music and songs
I watch TV and VIDEOS
At the weekend l go to Picnic or walk
At school l play games and learn the lessons