That firm delivers the tables for our office - Та фирма привозит столы для нашего офиса (действительный залог). The tables for our office are delivered by that firm - Столы для нашей фирмы привозятся той фирмой (страдательный залог).
Fyodor Dostoyevsky wrote Crime and Punishment in 1866 - Федор Достоевский написал "Преступление и наказание" в 1866 году (действительный залог). Crime and Punishment was written by Fyodor Dostoyevsky in 1866 - "Преступление и наказание" было написано Федором Достоевским в 1866 году (страдательный залог).
1. When was Walt Disney born? (Walt Disney was born in 1901) 2. How did Walt Disney spend his time in childhood? (In his childhood young Walt spent a lot of time on a farm, where he learned to study nature and animals) 3. Who are the main characters of his films? (Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, Snow White, Bambi and Mary Poppins) 4. How can you describe cartoons of Walt Disney? (Disney's cartoons are full of adventures and fun) 5. What are the reasons of the bad study of Walt Disney? (He wasn't a good student at school because he always found things that interested him more than school such as movie house and drawing) 6. When did Walt Disney die? (He died in 1966)