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28.11.2021 00:23 •  Английский язык

Перевести на язык мое сочинение! заранее огромное ! вот сочинение: мой любимый роман это: город эмбер: побег. главными персонажами моего романа являются : парень по имени дун , девушка по имени лина и её сестра по имени поппи. кроме этого в романе так же есть второстепенные персонажи это : мер города- билл мюрей, отец дуна- лорис, так же подруг лины- лиз и клери. главной проблемой данного романа является найти выход из города. создатели данного города написали карту, как выйти из города и положили её в шкатулку которая должна была сама открыться через 200 лет. шкатулка передовалась от мэра к мэру. но однажды её урали. и одним вечером она открылась тихим щелчком. но ни кто не знал, где она. главный генератор постоянно отключается и есть риск что он исчезнет и город поникнет в темноте. лина и дун находят шкатулку. они пытаются сделать то что не получилось у отца лины и отца дуна. но покидать город всем строго на строго запрещено. за ними устремляется погоня мэра и еще огромные крысы. они находят тот пусть по которому когда то пытался пройти отец лины и погиб. рискуя всем, отчаянные лина и дон пытаются выбраться из города. другой же проблемой является жадность мера города, забыв обо всех, он пытается закрыться в комнате полной еды и воды,которую он прятал от народа. но за свою жадность он поплотился своей жизнью: в комнату проникает огромная крыса и сьедает его. мои предложения : как по мне, нужно было дуну и лине взять с собой отца дуна, ведь он отличный изобретатель и он бы смог им как во время побега из города, так и на свободе. в конце концов, лина и дун выбрались на свободу и с надеждой написали на листочке письмо в котором были указания что сделать чтоб выбратся из города и кинули его в маленькое отверстие. оно попало к клери, которая рассказала об этом всем. и в скором времени все люди начали выбиратся с города. это было начало новой жизни.

My favourite novel is The City of Ember. The main characters of the novel are a boy named Doon, Lina and her sister Poppy. Besides them, there are also secondary characters: the mayor of the city Bill Murray, Doon's father Loris and Lina's friends Lizzie and Clary. 
The main problem of the novel is finding the way out of the city. The founders of the city created a map and put it in the box timed to open 200 years later. The box was passed from one mayor to another. But one day it was stolen. And one evening it opened by itself with a quiet click. But no one knew where the box was. The electric generator kept switching off and there was a risk that the city wouldn't have light anymore. Lina and Doon found the box and tried to do what their fathers couldn't. But leaving the city was strictly prohibited. They were being chased by the police and huge rats. 
They found the way Lina's father tried to go but died. Risking everything, desperate Lina and Doon were trying to find the way out. 
The second problem is the mayor's greed. Not paying attention to anyone, he locked himself in his room full of food and water that he was trying to hide from the citizens. 
But he paid for his greed when a rat ate him in his room. 
My suggestions: In my opinion, Lina and Doon should have taken Doon's father with them because he was a great inventor and could help them not only during the escape but also after it . 
After all, Lina and Doon achieved freedom and wrote a letter with the instructions on how to get out of the city and threw it into the little hole. 
The letter got into Clery's hands who told everyone about it. Sooner everyone started to leave the city. It was the beginning of their new lives.  
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Это про выхухоль. Described from Vladimir region In the beginning of XX century the desman was common in the basin. PP. The Dnieper, don, Volga and Ural. The current habitat is in the aquatic systems of the rivers listed and has broken character. Thanks to the artificial resettlement, the muskrat began to meet in bass. R. Ob. In the European part of Russia in the basin. of the Dnieper river meets Iput river (Bryansk region), PP. Vyazma and Dnieper, Oster and Iput the Smolensk region. and over the floodplains of rivers. The diet, Swap the Kursk region, In the basin. Don - on the river Voronezh, Tambov and Lipetsk region., PP. Bityug, Khoper and their tributaries (Voronezh, Tambov, Saratov, Penza, Volgograd region). In the upper reaches of the Volga meets the rivers. The mouth of the Kotorosl in Yaroslavl region and Kostroma region of Snake Observed in the lower reaches of the Klyazma (Vladimir, Ivanovo region). Inhabits all the suitable grounds in the lower reaches of the Moksha river and its tributary the CNA (Ryazan, Tambov region). Common in floodplain wetlands of the lower reaches of the Oka (Vladimir, Ryazan and Nizhny Novgorod region). In the middle part of the Volga meets the river Sura (Penza, Ulyanovsk region) and the river Alatyr in the Republic of Mordovia. Down the Volga river muskrat everywhere rare [1-5]. Issue 74 muskrats in 1961 in Chelyabinsk region was the formation of a new hotbed of muskrat habitat in the West. Siberia. Released animals in the mid 60-ies. settled down the UY river in the Kurgan region. and moved to R. floodplain of the Tobol. Now, here at the junction of three regions - Chelyabinsk, Kurgan, Kustanay (Kazakhstan) formed a stable population of muskrat. Successful works were the first stage in issue 236 muskrats in 1956 in the floodplain R. Tagan Tomsk region 114 and muskrats in 1978 in the floodplain of R. Tortas Novosibirsk region due to high floods and anthropogenic impacts at present the animal in these areas are very rare.
4,6(26 оценок)
Это про выхухоль. Described from Vladimir region In the beginning of XX century the desman was common in the basin. PP. The Dnieper, don, Volga and Ural. The current habitat is in the aquatic systems of the rivers listed and has broken character. Thanks to the artificial resettlement, the muskrat began to meet in bass. R. Ob. In the European part of Russia in the basin. of the Dnieper river meets Iput river (Bryansk region), PP. Vyazma and Dnieper, Oster and Iput the Smolensk region. and over the floodplains of rivers. The diet, Swap the Kursk region, In the basin. Don - on the river Voronezh, Tambov and Lipetsk region., PP. Bityug, Khoper and their tributaries (Voronezh, Tambov, Saratov, Penza, Volgograd region). In the upper reaches of the Volga meets the rivers. The mouth of the Kotorosl in Yaroslavl region and Kostroma region of Snake Observed in the lower reaches of the Klyazma (Vladimir, Ivanovo region). Inhabits all the suitable grounds in the lower reaches of the Moksha river and its tributary the CNA (Ryazan, Tambov region). Common in floodplain wetlands of the lower reaches of the Oka (Vladimir, Ryazan and Nizhny Novgorod region). In the middle part of the Volga meets the river Sura (Penza, Ulyanovsk region) and the river Alatyr in the Republic of Mordovia. Down the Volga river muskrat everywhere rare [1-5]. Issue 74 muskrats in 1961 in Chelyabinsk region was the formation of a new hotbed of muskrat habitat in the West. Siberia. Released animals in the mid 60-ies. settled down the UY river in the Kurgan region. and moved to R. floodplain of the Tobol. Now, here at the junction of three regions - Chelyabinsk, Kurgan, Kustanay (Kazakhstan) formed a stable population of muskrat. Successful works were the first stage in issue 236 muskrats in 1956 in the floodplain R. Tagan Tomsk region 114 and muskrats in 1978 in the floodplain of R. Tortas Novosibirsk region due to high floods and anthropogenic impacts at present the animal in these areas are very rare.
4,8(21 оценок)
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