My friend and I made a tree house last year. First, we drew some plans and found boards. Then we used nails to fix the boards together. We put a ladder to climb up to the tree from the ground. Now we spend all our free time there. В году мы с другом построили домик на дереве. Сначала мы нарисовали несколько планов и нашли (found) доски. Затем мы использовали гвозди, чтобы скрепить (fix) доски вместе. Мы установили лестницу (ladder), чтобы подниматься на дерево с земли (ground). Сейчас мы проводим там все наше свободное (free) время.
1. What does microeconomics study? Microeconomics studies individual economic units
2. Whose economic behaviour is studied by microeconomics? The economic behaviour of either individual consumers or firms or industries is studied by microeconomics
3. How are individuals considered by microeconomics? individuals are considered both as suppliers of labour and as consumers of goods
4. When did microeconomic approach dominate in economics? a long period in the 19th and early in the 20th centuries
5. When did economists' interest in macroeconomics grow? In the 20th century
6. How is economy considered in macroeconomics? (скорее всего micro-) economy is considered in all its relationships
7. What stimulated the development of macroeconomics? The world depression that began in 1929
8. What problems were analyzed in the 1930s? such macroeconomic questions as achievement of full employment and economic growth by means of proper government policies
9. What is studied by development economics? the factors of economic growth and how these factors are used by governments in order to achieve high living standards