Mikhail Lomonoslv was born in 1711 in Archangelsk province. As he was 19 years old,he decided to study in Moscow. He went there on foot. In Moscow he entered the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy. He became the first Russian professor of chemistry in 1745.
My day! I spend a day very easily. I wake up at 6.30, wash my face at 6:35, have breakfast at 6:45, pack my backpack at 6:55, dress up at 7:00, play in my phone at 7:15, go out at 7:40, study at school from 8:00 to 13:40, dress up and go to home at 13:50, come home at 14:05, change clothes 5 minutes, have lunch at 14:25, dress up for gym at 15:30, go out to gym at 15:40, choreographing from 16:05 to 17:45, come home at 17:55, put my bag and go to the ice skating at 18:10, get back from the ice skating at 20:30, make my homework at 20:45, have dinner at 21:35 and go to sleep. So goes my day!
My favorite hobby! My favorite hobby is Singing! I have been singing for more than two years! On vocals we're learning not only Russian songs, but also Japanese, French! Not long ago in the House of Children's Creativity Our chairwoman put Japanese evening concert under the name "Sakura" .WE this Japanese evening singing songs not only Japanese but also english! and by the end of the concert we sang a song with the chorus "Teo torriatte"! but we naturally this evening gave gifts! Gifts of course were unusual! And now I want to tell you why I like singing! It is a vocal-music profession, the role in the musical collective, assuming fulfillment of the different vocal parts. The term singer almost coincides with the term singer, but in today's pop music ... ... That's why I like the vocals (Singing) I remember the first time I sang the song "baby house" .Mne was 6 years old! I was singing this song I sang sadike.No it is not about anything without thinking, because I was a little girl! That's how I started my "creative" life!