I went to the doctor today. In the morning I went through with a feeling of headache and my parents and I went to the doctor, he examined me, measured my pulse and blood pressure. And he said that today I don't have to go to school. Instead of school, I took pills from my head, drank warm tea and went to sleep for a couple of hours. After that I slept well and decided to do my homework. The next morning we went to the doctor again, he also examined me. I did the same examinations and in the end I went to school a day later.
Перевод: Сегодня я побывал у врача. Утром я проснулся с чувством головной боли и мы вместе с родителями поехали у врачу, он осмотрел меня, померял пульс, давление. И сказал, что сегодня мне можно не идти в школу. Вместо школы я выпил таблетки от головы, выпил теплого чая и лег поспать на пару часов. После я выспался и решил сделать домашнее задание. Следующим утром мы снова пошли к врачу, он также меня осмотрел. Провел теже обследования и итоге через дня я пошел в школу
A woman must give birth, get married, be a housewife, the weaker sex
Men shouldn't cry, feel pain, should work, make money
Children don't get tired at school. It's not all stereotypes. Because there are a lot of them. Vodafone UA .illl 3.0
According to Walter Lippmann's research, all stereotypes have four characteristics:
they are schematic, do not display
reality in full; they are false, do not give a real idea of the person, or
they are tenacious, it takes time to destroy the stereotype;
they are rarely recreated by one person, they are usually the fruit of the work of society as a whole.
But you don`t like ice cream, do you?
And you haven`t tried the cookies, have you?
You haven`t tried exotic Brazilian fruit, have you?