-Hi Masha! -Hi Nastya! -What are we going to cook today? -We are going to cook cookies. -What cookies exactly? -Cheese cake cups -I love it! What ingridients do we need ? -We need 16 oreo cookies, 60 grams of softened creem cheese, 150 grams of white sugar and 1 teaspoon vanilla extract -Oh, a cake without eggs? -Oh, I'm sorry, I've forgotten to mention them! And 2 eggs! -That's okay, don't worry. Let's start. -Firstly, we should preheat oven to 175 degrees. Could you do it, please? -Of course! Done! -Thanks. Now we will line muffin pans with cupcake papers. -Our cupcakes are going to be so beautiful! -Yes! Now there's a task for you. Place one oreo cookie in the bottom of each cupcake paper. -Done! -In a medium bowl, cream together cream cheese and sugar. Beat in eggs and vanilla until smooth. Now pour over oreos in cupcake papers. -I already feel how tasty they are going to be! Can't wait to eat them. -Me too. So, let's get to the last step. -You mean to baking them? -Yes! Now put them in preheated oven. They would be ready in 15 minutes. -Amazing!
Me is your favorite wild animal wolf. He is very strong and dangerous. He lives in the forest. His head is small. His neck is short. His paws are small, but very strong. Wolf has large claws. His eyes were small and cunning. His ears are small. I think that wolves are very clever but cruel. Мое любимое дикое животное волк. Он очень Сильный и опасный. Он живет в Лесу. Его голова небольшая. Его шея короткая. Его лапы небольшие, но очень сильные. Волк имеет большие когти. Его глаза маленькие и хитрые. Его уши маленькие. Я думаю, что волки очень умные, но жестокие.
некоторым людям трудно говорить все в глаза , и эти "некоторые" пользуются этой возможностью, через интернет с моб.телефона.
но это не как не улучшает общение но и не ухудшает в каких-то определенных случаях.
п.с мое мнение :3