Переведите, но не через ! history: the new world ─ batland supposed to be the solution to many problems in native country, due to humanity, it was doomed to become another battlefield of
1. I'm home2 . Yesterday he was at work3 . Tomorrow it will be at home4 . Children in the park . They are not in school5 . He was not at school yesterday . He was at home6. Where is she? She's at work .7. Last year I was a student . This year I am a student8. Where were you? We were in the theater.9. His father is a doctor. He will also be a doctor?10 . Children will be tomorrow in the yard11. Where are you? You are not home ?12. My friend is sick . He was not at the institute. he's home13. Where will you be tomorrow?14. They were not in the Crimea last year. They were in Kiev15. I'm not an engineer, I am a singer16. Today at three o'clock we are in a movie17. Where to book? Yesterday they were on the table18. You're going to school tomorrow? No, I will not, I'm sick19. He was sick last week? Yes, he was sick20. Why they were not at home ? They were in the theater
lip – губа camp – лагерь case – случай me – мне my –мой mom- мама lamp - лампа lag – интервал lime – известь mope – глупец mop – швабра mice – мыши mole – родинка go – ходить came – пришел время) camel - верблюд mag – журнал (сокращенный вариант) game - игра mile – миля pile - куча lop – мелкие ветвья lope – размашистый шаг lice – вошь gem – драгоценный камень some -некоторое gym-спортзал log-бревно lame -хромой male – мужчина mal – болезнь sale - распродажа pale – бледный pole – столб pig – поросенок sag – провисать sage – мудрец gas – газ lie – ложь sole – душа same – то же самый map – карта ice – лед pie – пирог pass – проход pace – шаг