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09.04.2023 20:37 •  Английский язык

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To Шерлоку Холмсу a tingling with horror young woman applies for help by name Ellen Стоунер. A father Ellen served as in India the major-general of artillery. He died, leaving the decent state. When a girl and her totwin to Julia was two years ago, a mother married for doctor of Гримсби Ройлотта, offspring of one of the richest families of England. One of his relatives lost all state, and Ройлотту was to earn to itself on life. The mother of girls perished in a railway catastrophe. On her testament all money went across to the husband,Ройлотт very cruel and hot-tempered man, possessing enormous physical force. He does not intermingle with neighbours, and is friends with by gipsies that stretched the gipsy band on territory of manor. From India he brought animals, and a baboon and cheetah walk about on a manor. There are two years back the retired major did suggestion Julia. A stepfather did not object against marriage of stepdaughter. Two weeks prior to wedding Julia before a dream came in the room of Ellen. A bedroom of Julia was between the bedrooms of sister of both stepfather and window of all three rooms went out on a lawn, where a gipsy gipsy band was stretched. Julia complained, that someone whistled at nights, she hears a ferrous clang, and her the smell of strong cigars, that smokes stepfather, interferes with to sleep. if daughters will marry, certain part must each be distinguished. Family went to England and settled under London in the family manor of Ройлоттов.For the night girls always locked a door on the key, because were afraid of animals. A terrible howl was heard in that night. Jumping out in a corridor, Ellen saw a sister in a night-dress, white from horror. Julia hung around as drunk, fell down then, writhing from pain and cramps. She something tried to show, yelling here: the "Pied ribbon". Arriving doctor to save her not smog, Julia died. Studying the circumstances of death, a police came to the conclusion, that a girl died of nervous shock, because in her room close on a lock and with the closed windows, nobody could not penetrate. Poison it was not found out too. Now Ellen met a man that did suggestion to her. A stepfather does not object against marriage, but it undertook repair in a house, and Ellen had to get over in the room of late sister. At night a girl heard a strange sing and ferrous clang, that were the precursor of death of Julia. She asks for help for a great detective. Шерлок Холмс promises to arrive to the evening in the estate of Ройлотта and to study a situationSoon after the care of visitor an apartment on Бейкер-стрит is visited by Гримсби of Ройлотт. He hunted down the stepdaughter and threatens to the great detective. Шерлок Холмс makes inquiries finds out that the married life of girls is very unprofitable for Ройлотта: his profits will diminish considerably. Examining a manor, Шерлок Холмс comes to the conclusion, that repair was not needed. He is undertaken in an order to compel Ellen to transmigrate in the room of sister. In the room of Julia him a long cord from a defective ring, hanging above a bed, and bed screw-attached to sex, awakes interest. A cord is tied to a vent pin-hole that goes out not outside, and in a nearby room, where Ройлотт lives. In the room of doctor Холмс finds a ferrous fireproof closet in that, according to Ellen, kept business papers, lash strung by a loop, and little patellula, with milk.Night a great detective intends to conduct in a room Ellen, deleting a girl in a safe place. He gathers to prevent the refined and terrible crime, that accomplishes doctor, man, possessing steel nerves. Among night a tender sing is heard, and Холмс begins furiously to beat a walking stick on a cord. A terrible scream is here heard. Холмс and Watson is given up in the room of Ройлотта. The door of fireproof closet is open, on a chair Ройлотт sits in a domestic dressing-gown, on knees a lash lies for him, and his head is winded around by a pied ribbon. A doctor is dead. Suddenly a ribbon moves and shown head of venomous snake, bog Indian viper. Холмс throws on her a lash and locks in a closet.Finding out a false ring and screw-attached bed, a great detective understood that a cord served as a bridge, connecting a ventilator with a bed. And at sight of lash and patellula with milk of Холмсу an idea came about a snake. Living many years in India, Ройлотт found poison that it can not find out, and an investigator must possess very sharp sight, that to see tiny tracks from the teeth of viper. Stimulating a walking stick a snake, Холмс compelled her misfortune on an owner. A great detective by implication is guilty of death of Гримсби Ройлотта, but it is impossible to say that this death lay down a severe burden on his conscience.
4,4(87 оценок)
Почему она сбежала? вчера марсоход пришел в зоопарк, чтобы навестить его друзей. вдруг он увидел новое животное. он был желтый, коричневый и черный. это была маленькая голова, длинные ноги, длинный хвост и длинная шея! ровер подошел к животному и сказал: , я не знаю вашего имени. это все правильно. меня зовут блейз. кто ты? я не видел тебя здесь в прошлом месяце. я жираф. я жил в африке. но теперь я живу здесь, в зоопарке. мне здесь нравится. дети и их родители часто приходят ко мне. они всегда приносят мне много вещей, чтобы поесть: фрукты и овощи, сладости и печенье, и много других вкусных вещей. едите ли вы птиц или животных? о, нет, я не. почему ты смотришь на мою шею? вам не нравится это, не так ли? хорошо я делаю! но почему он так долго? потому что я ем листья с деревьев. моя длинная шея мне сделать это. о, я вижу. я тоже люблю кушать траву. вы знаете, однажды женщина пришла, чтобы посмотреть на меня. я видела зеленой травой, на ней шляпа. я думала, что она хотела дать мне поесть. конечно, я ее и ели какую-то траву. мне это не нравится! это не вкусно вообще! и ты знаешь, что сделала женщина? она сбежала! я не знаю, почему! можете ли вы сказать мне, почему она сбежала?
4,5(90 оценок)
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