Составьте предложения со следующими словами: 1. diet 2.to eat 3.to drink 4.to affect 5.to starve 6.to suffer 7/healthy 8.glass of water 9.necessary 10.weight 11.human body
1.Sportsmen must keep a certain protein diet to avoid gaining weight. 2.One should eat to live and not live to eat.3. Top models often drink up to 3 litres of table water to keep themselves fit and healthy.4. Regular starving leads to illness and affects brain in negative way. 5. They say, somebody should suffer to reach high results. 6. In ancient Greece they said that healthy body means healthy spirit. 8. A glass of water can be invaluable in the desert. 9. Study is extremely necessary to get a good profession. 10. People pay attention to keep their weight . 11. Human body is a real biochemical laboratory by its functions.
In my opinion, i agree and disagree. We can receive useful information from the TV, radio and newspaper. Such as the weather forecast on the radio, popular songs on the radio and TV. News about what's happening around the world and in our country through the newspaper, TV and radio. And I disagree because advertisements on the TV and Newspapers aren't realistic. Today, in modern technology we have something called "photoshop" which is used to shape people's body's differently and you can almost do anything with photoshop. and i think that can make people feel self-conscious about themselves. The mass media brings a negative and positive outcome.
Hello! My name is ... and I love pizza. I think this is my most favorite food, because I can always have it. First, my friend suggested to try one bite and I really liked it, since I always eat it. But parents govoryaft. that if there are so many pizza. it will be thick and stomach ache. Here I think it's true or not, but even if so, the pizza
Всем привет! Меня зовут ... и я очень люблю пицу. Наверное это моя самая любимая пища, потому что я могу её есть всегда. Сначала мне друг предложил попробовать один кусочек и мне очень понравилось, с тех пор я постоянно её ем. Но родители говоряфт. что если есть так много пицы. то стану толстым и будет болеть живот. Вот думаю, правда это или нет, но даже если это так, то пицу любить и есть не перестану