In the thickets of seagrass in the Azov and Black seas can be found a small animal. And so he has a strange appearance, that at first glance you could not tell what it is. Of course, all marine life rather peculiar, but this - a special case. The head, like a toy skate with tubular snout and a comb-mane at the nape. The body is covered with flaps long processes - threads of tail and ends that can twist. He did not look like a fish tail, although it is interesting animal - a real fish and is called the sea horse. Seahorse grabbed his tail for some underwater plant and sits still, stalking prey. Doubly good to him from this form of the body: and extraction did not immediately notice his enemies proplyvut past. So he fed and safe.
Hi guys. I would like to write a novel that could Express all my feelings and emotions that I feel for you, but I do not know and therefore will try to be as concise as possible. I want to sincerely and wholeheartedly thank you for everything you do for us is hard work. You koordinalno changed my life and until the end of my days I'm grateful to you for it. Thank you for making this world kinder.Thank you for your music and lyrics, for all the effort, smiles and just for what you have. Thank your family and friends who gave the world people like you. You are very far away, but know that anywhere in the world there are people who will always love and support you all. I'm one of them and it warms my soul. Please always activitist yourself, let your loved ones and you will be healthy and happy, no matter what. You are strong and I believe that all things you desire will come true.