Допустим нужно взять любое предложение I saw a big and ugly spider in the corne of the room. ( Я увидела большого паука в углу комнаты) 1) What did I see in the corne of the room? 2) Where did i see a big and ugly spider? 3) When did i see a big and ugly spider in the corne of the room? 4) Who saw a big and ugly spider in the corne of the room? 5) I saw a big and ugly spider in the corne of the room, didn't I? 6) Did I see a big and ugly spider in the corne of the room? 7) Did I see a big and ugly spider in the corne or in the midle of the room? 8) Was the spider big or small? 9) The spider was agly, wasn't it? 10) Was the spider ugly or nice? Прости, но я больше не знаю, какие вопросы можно задать...)
1. I went to school yesterday Я ходил вчера в школу 2. My friends played football. Мои друзья играли в футбол. 3. I didn't read a book yesterday. Я не читал книгу вчера 4. Did you buy a telephone yesteday? Ты купил вчера телефон? 5. My parents went to London last month Мои родители ездили в Лондон в месяц 6. My brother didn't visit a park last year Мой брат не посещал парк в году 7. Did you play computer games yesterday? Ты играл в компьютерные игры вчера? 8. I didn't go out two days ago. Я не выходил гулять 2 дня назад. 9. What did you do last year? Что ты делал в году? 10.My friend was the best player of football. Моя друг был лучшим игроком в футбол 11. Didn't you play computer games yesterday? Ты не играл в компьютерные игры вчера?