Alexander Pushkin is a legendary poet, novelist, dramatist and short-story writer. He is also generally regarded as the great poet of Russia and the founding member of modern Russian literature. He could be rightly compared with W. Shakespeare in the poetry of England and other English-speaking countries.
Pushkin became one of the few writers who became famous and popular in life. The boy genius won his comrades and teachers over with his passion and talented poetry when he studied at the Lyceum. This person was very passionate and emotional. The poet was not a handsome man, but always was popular with women. That is why he married the first beauty of St. Petersburg - Natalia Goncharova.
Pushkin adored to participate in various battles, debates, contests and duels. First Pushkin's duel happened in high school and then he participated in a duel more than 90 times. So, this was the way how he died in the end.
Alexander Pushkin left behind a rich literary heritage: "Eugene Onegin”, "Boris Godunov”, "Dubrovsky", "Captain's daughter”, "Queen of spades","Ruslan and Lyudmila, various fairytales, verses, etc.
Александр Сергеевич Пушкин-легендарный поэт, прозаик, драматург, автор коротких рассказов. Также он считается великим поэтом России и одним из основателей современной русской литературы. Его по праву можно сравнить с У. Шекспиром и его ролью в поэзии Англии и других англоязычных стран.
Пушкин стал одним из немногих писателей, ставших известными и популярными при жизни. Во время учебы в лицее, юный гений покорял товарищей и учителей своей страстностью и талантливыми стихами. Этот был очень страстный и эмоциональный человек. Поэт не был красивым мужчиной, но всегда пользовался популярностью у женщин. Именно поэтому он женился на первой красавице Петербурга - Наталье Гончаровой.
Пушкин обожал участвовать в различных спорах, дебатах, конкурсах и дуэлях. Первая дуэль Пушкина случилась в лицее, а затем он приняли участие в дуэль более 90 раз. В итоге он так и погиб.
Александр Пушкин оставил после себя богатое литературное наследие: "Евгений Онегин”, "Борис Годунов”, "Дубровский", "Капитанская дочь”, "Пиковая дама", "Руслан и Людмила", различные сказки, стихи и др.
(to ) infinitive/- ing forms
put the verds in brackets into the coreect form. How do they differ in meaning?
1 a. Don't forget (to stand) under a doorframe during an earthquake.
b. I'll never forget (reading) about the firefighter who risked his life to save the students from a burning bus.
2 a.They stopped (to buy) some emergency supplies.
b. They stopped( working) and ran out into the street.
3 a. We regret (not moving) our garden furniture indoors before the storm.
b. We regret (to inform ) you that all flights are cancelled due to the earthquake.
4 a.She tried(to stay) calm when she felt the ground shaking.
b.Have you tried (using) a bucket to remove floodwaters?
5 a.Berik meant (to put) a torch in his emergency kit , but he forgot .
b. Hearing a tsunami warning means (going) to the roof of the building.