TASK 1 1Could Mike stay there last night? 2 Did Vadim have to find the book in the morning? 3 Could the students read French books some years ago? 4Could I see her yesterday? 5Could the agronomist come here last week? 6Could the vet be there in time? 7Did Andrew have to do this exercise? 8Could they answer the questions? 9Did the mechanic have to get up at five? 10Could we work on a farm last Saturday? TASK 2 1You couldn't stay with us yesterday.You had to pass the exam. 2The girl couldn't find her exercise-books. She couldn't find her textbooks either. 3You couldn't skate well last year. You were too small. 4The students couldn't come here last night. They were busy at the Institute. 5They didn't have to get up at 6 o'clock yesterday morning.It was Sunday yesterday. 6Andrew couldn't read this French book last month. You didn't give it to him. 7The boy couldn't be here in time. His watch was wrong. 8Kate couldn't answer the question. She didn't know the information. 9We couldn't write this exercise.The teacher didn't like it. 10Pete and Mike couldn't watch TV last night. They went to the disco.
Глоссарий по гражданскому строительству (Civil engineering)
Absolute viscosity [ˈæbsəluːt / vɪsˈkɒsɪtɪ ] - абсолютная вязкость
Addition [əˈdɪʃən ] - присадка, примесь
Bevel [ˈbɛvəl ] - скос, фаскаBerm [bɜːm] – Берма
Contraction [kənˈtrækʃən ] - сжатие, усадка
Division wall [dɪˈvɪʒən / wɔːl ] – разделительная (направляющая) стенка Enrockment [ınʹrɒkmənt ] - каменная наброска
Fanlight [ˈfænˌlaɪt ] - фрамуга над дверью
Gulley [ˈgʌlɪ/ ] - ливневой водосток, ливнеспуск
Header [ˈhɛdə ] - коллектор, магистральный трубопровод
Lock-up [ˈlɒkʌp ] - здание, возводимое между другими строениями
Mallet [ˈmælɪt] – киянка, деревяный или резиновый молоток
Man-hole [ˈmænhəul ] люк-лаз, смотровой колодец
Mat [mæt ] - теплоизоляционный коврик
Mash reinforcement [mɛʃ / riːɪnˈfɔːsmənt ] – арматурная сетка
Nog [nɒɡ ] - деревянная пробка, распорка
Point of support [pɔɪnt / ɒv / səˈpɔːt ] - точка опоры
Sand -grout [sænd / ɡraʊt ] цементно-песчаный раствор
Tier [tɪə] – ярус, этаж
Ultimate shrinkage [ˈʌltɪmət / ˈʃrɪŋkɪdʒ ] - предельная усадка
Waterproofing [ˈwɔːtəˈpruːfɪŋ ] - гидроизоляция
Zero slump concrete [ˈzɪərəu / slʌmp / ˈkɒnkriːt ] - жесткая бетонная смесь