В Узбекистане мужчины и женщины приветствуют друг друга по-разному: пожимают друг другу руки или целуют друг друга. В Европе если мужчины и они целуют друг друга. В Англии это обычно один поцелуй, во Франции два, а в Польше три! Эскимосы здороваются, касаясь их носа. Маори в Новой Зеландии тоже делают это. В Узбекистане мы киваем и говорим «Да», англичане и американцы кивают головой. Иногда они говорят «да» или «нет» тоже. Но болгарские * и греческие * люди трясут их. Направляется на «Да» и кивает на «Нет».
1. When we came to the country it had stopped raining.
2. When the teacher came we already had done all the exercises.
3. When the Boatswain came the sailors had finished painting the deck.
1. After i had visited the Kremlin i wrote a letter to my friend about my tour.
2. After the pilot had arrived the ship entered the port.
3. After the sailors had cleaned the holds the dockers began loading.
1. Before I entered the college i had lived in Kiev.
2. Before you came I had seen a nice film on TV.
3. We had worked hard before we went on our first shipboard training.
2. A serial is a long story whose parts are presented on television or radio. 3.1 have always admired Julia’s hair. — Oh, yes, it is so beautiful. 4. The famous explorer gave a series of talks at our school. 5. Robert Weston is a popular broadcaster. 6. Do you agree that media influence and form the public opinion? 7. The new serial is based on his latest bestseller. 8. Ron is spying for Walter Mason, he is spying on his detective agency. 9. The police has arrived. 10. These datum are very important. 11. Radio is a media of communication.