1. I don't have a spare ticket. I can't take you to the concert.
If I had a spare ticket, I would take you to the concert.
2. She is not here now. She cannot help.
If she were here now, she would help.
3. They don‟t have free time. They cannot go with us to Lviv.
If they had free time, they would go with us to Lviv.
4. He can't type. He can't help us with those files.
If he could type, he would help us with those files.
5. I don't have money. I cannot lend you any.
If I had money, I would lend you some.
6. He doesn't understand the problem. He cannot help us to solve it.
7. She isn't in good shape. She doesn't exercise. (слово fit не подходит!)
She would be in good shape if she exercised.
8. I cannot run fast. I don't take part in running competitions.
If I could run fast, I would take part in running competitions.
9. She is not tall. She is not a model.
If she were tall, she would be a model.
10. You should take a taxi. You are late.
If you took a taxi, you wouldn't be late.
11. She is not in your position. She cannot advise you.
If she were in your position, she would advise you.
12. I am in a hurry. I will not stay longer.
If I weren't in a hurry, I would stay longer.
13. He does not have money. He cannot move out.
If he had money, he would move out.
14. He doesn't have a job. He still lives with his parents.
If he had a job, he wouldn't still live with his parents.
15. The weather is bad. We won't walk.
If the weather weren't bad, we would walk.
16. I am strong enough to lift this box.
If I were strong, I would lift this box.
We are living in 21 century. In our time one device can replace many different things. For example our smartphones. They contain almost all - clock, maps, our messangers and social networks. It's hard to image, that 15 years ago people don't have such opportunities. Nothing stands still, all techology devices move on, and become better.
It's really intresting quastoin "Are machines really Taking Our jobs?". We all hear about new, modern robots in China and Japane.
They can work for the waiter, cook food, make their work faster than many people. They have many advantages. Now days many people scared "What if my work would be replace by robots?".
In my opinion, people musn't be afraid by this. Its many jobs, where robots never can replace people. Robots - it's a machine, which do't have soul or any fellings... On the other hand there are so many different really hard work in our world, and it would be cool if all that work machines can do without people. Well, all think, that we all we have our place under the sun, so we shoudn't be scared or afraid modern technology. They make just to my our life easyer.
2014 Winter Olympics (born. 2014 Winter Olympics, fr. Jeux Olympiques d'hiver de 2014, the official name of the XXII Olympic Winter Games) - international sporting event, held in the Russian city of Sochi, from 7 to 23 February 2014. The capital of the Olympic Games - 2014 was chosen during the 119th IOC Session in Guatemala City July 4, 2007. In Russia, the Olympic Games were held for the second time (previously in the 1980 Moscow Olympic Games were held), and for the first time - the Winter Games. At the end of the Olympic Games on the same objects were carried Paralympic Winter Games.
Games in Sochi are the twenty-second (XXII) winter in a row (symbolic that the twenty-second summer Games were in 1980 in Moscow). Compared with the 2010 Games in Vancouver, the number of competitions in various disciplines increased to 12 in total were raffled 98 sets of medals.