Regarding the name of the city Sinbirska there are many different assumptions and explanations. Some derive it from chuvashskago language in which the word " Sinbirsk though, would mean " white mountain "or" live , live, why Sinbirsk name means " abode of people. Others suggest that the word" Sinbirsk " Scandinavian origin , from the word « Sinn » - path, road and «Biarg» - mountain, or «birg» - birch, so this derivation " Sinbirsk " means or " roadside birch " or " mountain path " There philologists producing name Sinbirska mordovskago from the language in which the word , " Syuyun " and " bir " means " green mountain." Others say that the Turkic word " son means" tomb " tombstone, a " bip "means" one . " So" Sinbirsk , in Turkic language on Russian , means "single grave "
Old-older-the oldest old-elder-the eldest Strong stronger the strongest Happy happier the happiest Modern more modern the most modern Important more important the most important Quite more quite most quite Clever cleverer the cleverest Narrow narrower the narrowest Difficult more difficult the most difficult Good better the best Far farther the farthest far- furher - the furthest Sad- sadder- the saddest Grey- greyer- the greyest Productive- more productive - the most productive Many more most Slow slower the slowest