I consider, that our future wouldn't change so much how we can think. Probably we will have transparent phone or robots, but i have doubt about life in space and flying cars.
Astana Astana (the former Akmola) was founded in 1830 as a fortification of Russian Empire. In 1862 stanitsa Ak-mola got the status of a town. In the course of time Akmola became the centre of trade fairs where merchants from all over Kazakhstan. Russia, Central Asia, India and other countries gathered to sell cattle and agricultural products. For a long time Akmola was an outpost of Russian Empire seeking the way to developed trade and its political influence upon Central Asia in XVIII-XIX centuries. With the growth of anti – tsarist and revolutionary public mood the Akmloa prison became over crowed with those who wanted freedom. In March 1917 the Soviet Power was established in Akmola. Many changes have taken place since then. Akmola played an important role in supplying the Soviet Army with raw materials and products during the Second World War. In 1961 Akmola was renamed into Tselinograd and became the centre of Tselinny Krai. In 1992 the city got its name Akmola again and sice October 1997 Akmola has become a new capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Later on it got its present name Astana. Astana is a modern growing city, a political, financial, economic, scientific and socio-cultural centre of the state. There are a lot of magnificent beautiful buildings, higher educational establishments, colleges and secondary schools, hotels, banks and other commercial structures in Astana, the new capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan. There are many places of interest in Astana: the Central Square the Republic Avenue, the Palace of Youth and the Bridge across the Ishim River, the Reginal Museum of Fine Arts and others. From everywhere you can see Baiterek, the symbol of prosperity and happiness.
Our class ... Nearly eight years we have studied together, only some have moved to other schools , and some have come to us, joined in our big bitty -4 team. Forty pairs of curious eyes and ears. Forty pairs of fast feet. Forty pairs of hands always busy with something . Forty questions forty responses.We are so similar and yet so different from each other. Know who better to learn from and with whom - to rest, whom you can admire, but someone - tease . Together, we form a large , irrepressible , vociferous creature - 8 -B class . It has its own habits and even the tradition and the teachers never make a mistake , that it is us , even if you will drop a class with your eyes closed. Teachers and parents tell us that the school years are not forgotten . And when you see how happy my mother met with his high school girlfriend on the street, and my dad talks about his school fun and frolic , believe me - they're right.Ten years we spend together in the walls of our school. We will read the same books , answer the same questions . Who can forget the period , which is more than half your life?Now it seems to me that the difference in us still more than the similarities. Not all of his classmates I can call friends or even friends. There are guys whose behavior I do not approve , whose society I hate . Seems to me to be really interested in the fate of this man after the release ? But it is often bad behavior - it's just a defensive reaction , and when you talk with someone face to face , it appears that it is very different than it looked before: kind, smart, capable [ empathy. He's just - different, not like you.Do we have guys in the class of interest and respect for its seriousness , development, versatility hobbies. Many of them - the leaders of our class. Sometimes one wonders how they manage so much to know , to be able , to keep pace ? These guys all love , they often forgiven , " sins ", and the teachers treat them not as the others , and the more loyal and tolerant. These guys - also others.There are in our class a few guys that I distinguish among all people in the world. - They are my friends . We not only learn together (in the broadest sense of the word) , but the rest together , visiting clubs and sports clubs . Even we live close by. Our friendship - honest, faithful , and the test of time . I can always rely on my friends and I know that after graduation , our relationship does not become weaker , even if we act in different educational institutions.Here they are , my friends at school . People , meeting with them many years after high school graduation will cause me a happy smile and a flood of memories and questions : " Do you remember me? ... And where is Luda ? And what does Sasha ? You know, I have not heard about Vadim - how is he now? "Who are we - ordinary boys and girls , blatant , restless , touchy , sometimes - cruel, but still - the best, most fun , most amicable .