Вас! ) и вам) перевод стиха на язык: the clouds are gray, gloomy, rain is not far off. autumn. bare ground fog zavoloka. that is my only weapon of satiety, the only weapon to keep warm, sporting, strigunka catches in the steppe strigunok. no grass, no tulips. and everywhere was quiet sonorous hubbub of children, young guys laughing. and the trees, like the poor old men, standing bare, bereft of their leaves. the skin of a bull, a sheep in a tub tan. repairing old coats and quilted robe. moloduha patch leaky tent, and the old woman for weeks suchat thread. shoals stretched south cranes. caravans of camels passed under them, and in the villages - gloom and silence. laughter is a funny game remained away: winds, becoming colder, chill hurts and old people and children. dogs catch hungry mice field is not found, as it did, scraps, bones, wind raises dust - over the steppe black. autumn, damp. but it has opened, - bad habits - can not kindle the fire. our yurts are now uncomfortably dark.
1) I usually eat eggs with sandwiches for breakfast. 2) Yes, I do, beacause it's really important to have energy to do my work best way. 3) Usually I get to office by bus, but I return home by foot, because it's good for my health. 4) My friends usually visit their relatives in the countries or take holidays on the seaside. 5) Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't, it depends on my mood. 6) I prefer planes because it's safe and quick way to get there. 7) I visited Italia last summer, it's really perfect place to spend your weekend. 8) On my opinion, people want to see places which are different from their own countries and towns, to compare ways of lif, to see wonders of our planet or just to be with theirselves alone for a while.