Могу с некоторыми словами(не со всеми) just - сейчас this evening-этот вечер for-для this month-этот месяц this week-эта неделя never-никогда this morning-это утро today-сегодня
Already - вже just - щойно not yet -ще не never - ніколи lately- останім часом recently - недавно this morning - цього ранку this evening цього вечора this week - цього тижня this month - цього місяця this year - цього року today - сьогодні since - від того часу for - для
My best friend is now playing computer games, and now has time to do his homework on Mathematics. Now he is looking at both the monitor and the exercisebook at the same time.I said to him: "Look, there your cat is running away!"And my best friend is now looking away from the monitor. I, at the moment, quickly turn off his computer.
Мой лучший друг.
Мой лучший друг сейчас играет в компьютерные игры, и успевает в данный момент делать своё домашнее задание по Математике. Сейчас он смотрит одновременно и в монитор, и в учебник.Я сказал ему: "Посмотри, там твой кот убегает!"И мой лучший друг сейчас отводит глаза от монитора. Я же, в данный момент, быстро выключаю его компьютер.
Диалог 1 1 pupil: What holiday do children in your country like best of all? 2 pupil: New Year, I think.
1 pupil: Do you have any New Year traditions? 2 pupil: Yes, we do. One of them is decorating the New Year tree.
1 pupil: Did you parents buy a New Year tree last year? 2 pupil: Yes, they did. And we were decorating is together all evening. And did you have a New Year party at school last year?
1 pupil: We had a Christmas party. It was a wonderful party. We were dancing all evening.
Диалог 2
1 pupil: What holiday is your number one spring holiday? 2 pupil: I like Easter best
1 pupil: Do you have any Easter traditions? 2 pupil: Yes, we do. One of them is colouring eggs.
1 pupil: Did you help your mum to colour eggs last year? 2 pupil: Yes , I did. we were doing it together all evening. And did your parents hide chocolate eggs in the yard last Easter?
1 pupil: Yes, they did. my sister and I were looking for them all morning.
just - сейчас
this evening-этот вечер
this month-этот месяц
this week-эта неделя
this morning-это утро