Можно и выдумать историю про праздник или нет? Если выдумать можно, то вот:
Вчера у моих друзей братьев-близнецов был день рождения и я долго думал, что им подарить, ведь они совсем не похожи. Один брат любит спорт, занимается футболом, смотрит футбольные матчи. Другой брат очень застенчивый, любит читать и всегда получает только хорошие оценки. Я решил купить им футбольный мяч и интересную книгу, которая сейчас очень популярна. Когда я вручил им подарки, они были очень счастливы.
Yesterday my friends twin brothers had a birthday and I thought for a long time what to give them because they are not at all similar. One brother loves sports, does football, watches football matches. The other brother is very shy, likes to read and always only gets good grades. I decided to buy them a football ball and an interesting book which is very popular now. When I handed them the presents, they were very happy.
Не знаю, норм получилось, подходит? Или обязательно нужно и про родственников, и про друзей написать?
1) Max has been working in this store since it opened. 2) Can I try dessert? I have already eaten the soup. 3) Our family has never been so far from their hometown. 4) Mom, I smeared my t-shirt because I was drawing with paint carelessly. 5) The bell has just rung, so we must start our lesson. 6) Marina has been diving since she was five years old. 7) Have you fixed the bathroom faucet yet? 8) The Patient has been taking these pills for two weeks, but there is no positive effect. 9) Today I bought a new t-shirt with the inscription "I love London". 10 The Play has been running for two hours.
8:05 - five minutes to eight или five past eight
8:10 - ten minutes to eight или ten past eight
8:15 - guarter past eight
09:00-nine o clock