Вопрос 17 Your references are extremely good and your employment record shows a strong future. However, at present your financial condition does not totally meet (name of store's) requirements. Therefore, we cannot grant you the $ (amount of money) open credit you requested.
Вопрос 18 Meeting you next Tuesday. Yours sincerely, S. Voronin Director
Вопрос 19: We would like to discuss the question of discount as well. We could agree for a 10% quantity discount with one provision. Нам хотелось бы также обсудить с вами вопрос о скидке. Мы могли бы согласиться на скидку в 10% от цены всей партии с одним условием.
Вопрос 20 We are ready to open a confirmed and irrevocable Letter of Credit in England. We’ll make payment for you in US Dollars. Мы готовы открыть подтвержденный безотзывный аккредитив в Англии. Оплата будет произведена в долларах США.
Вопрос 12 If I can help in any way, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to a successful working relationship in the future. Best regards, Director S. Voronin
Вопрос 13 I look forward to seeing you again at this exciting conference. Yours sincerely John Smith Conference Secretary
Вопрос 14 Your early reply will be appreciated. Best wishes, V. Belov Chief Manager
Вопрос 15 Brain Institute Svetlanovsky Avenue 47 Moscow 145238 Russia April 8, 1990 Dr. James Smith
Brain Research Street 19 Oxford Street London, NE 20 England
Вопрос 16 We are informing you of this delay as soon we are advised in order to give you as much time as possible to make alternate arrangements, if necessary. Мы информируем Вас об этой задержке, как только нам о ней сообщили, чтобы у Вас было как можно больше времени для заключения альтернативных договоренностей.
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