Summer is a wonderful time of the year. It's a relaxing time you can spend with my FAM*family or friends. Weather at this time is very good. So all the time you can spend on the street.More in the summer I love to go with CIM*u to the forest.There we spend a wonderful time together. Usually play hide and seek, volleyball, and sometimes even badminton when zahodim suitable place for this game.And yet every summer we will go to the sea.We rest there for almost a month. It's so nice in the morning to inhale fresh air from the sea to feed the dolphins and walk on the beach. Most of all I like to visit different water slides, and skate on the sea on a catamaran. And in the evening to ride the rides or just walk around with SIM*family in the Park. At sea I usually find a lot of friends, and I love to listen to their interesting stories about what countries they were. But the sea should be careful, because it's dangerous: new city, new friends, and the food is always fresh, my mother always Napomena.Fortunately, with me on vacation has not happened yet such trouble. And after the sea is still almost two months of rest, when you can read books, watch movies, and hanging out with friends..I love summer.And I hope that this summer will be as extremely good as the previous,because of summer plans I have every year is extremely similar.
Прочтите информацию о космических исследованиях. Поговорите со своим другом об этом, используя Past Simple Tense Россия исследует пространство 1957: первый спутник Спутник 1 1957 первое животное на орбите Земли собака Лайка на Спутника 2 1961 г. первый в космосе и в Eart орбите Юрия Gagrin на Восток 1 1961 первый человек, чтобы провести более 24 часов в космосе Герман Титов Восток-2 1963 первая женщина в космосе Валентина Терешкова Восток 6 1965 первый человек, вышедший в открытый космос Алексей Леонов Восхода 2 1987 первые космонавты провести в течение одного года в космосе Владимир Титов и Манаров на борту космической станции MirПрочитайте информацию о космосе.Поговорите с вашим другом об этом, используя последнее простое время слова для справок для запуска запускаемых летать-полетела идти-шел, чтобы провести израсходованы