перевести (сослагательное наклонение).
1. Я не смог бы поговорить с ним об этом, даже если бы я видел его вчера.
2. Жаль, что я еще не могу читать английские книги в оригинале.
3. Необходимо, чтобы Вы пришли вовремя.
4. Когда он узнает правду, его отношение ко мне изменится.
5. Я бы не работала в этой фирме, если бы это меня не устраивало.
6. Мне бы хотелось быть Вам полезным.
7. Если бы он мог предупредить их об опасности, этой трагедии не случилось бы.
1. I couldn't have talked to him about it even if I'd seen him yesterday.
2. I wish I could read original English books.
3. It is necessary you came on time.
4. When he finds out the truth, his attitude toward me will change.
5. I wouldn't be working for this firm if it didn't suit me.
6. I wish I were of service to you.
7. If he could have warned them of the danger, this tragedy would not have happened.
1)Helen was shown the nearest way to the theatre by them. 2)Some good advice were given to patient by him. 3)The news has been told me by Mary. 4) A little boy was looked with interest by people. 5)The paper was examined by them attentively. 6)He was asked about his holidays. 7)The novel has already been discussed by them.8)His address wasn't given by him.9)The way to the station was shown to him by her.10) I will be introduced to his friends by him. 11) A bridge is being built over the river by them. 12)The article hasn't been translated yet.
dark - темно
good looking - хорошо выглядеть
short - короткая
oval - овальный
long - длинный
thin - тонкий
clever - умная