Let it be possible Yesterday I was at home Last night we were in the theatre Where have you been last night ? --- My sister wants to become a doctor It became a big problem She had become a seller --- You can come in ! My brother came very lately I'm glad you've come
Usually I do my homework at home Did you get a good mark? Have you done your homework?
I like to drink milk She drank a big bottle of coke Have you ever drunk this water?
I want to drive father's car That man drove the bus I haven't driven Maserati yet
I like to eat junk good My dog ate all my breakfast Have you ever eaten Chinese food?
I can give you a notebook I gave you my notebook yesterday!
1. People from the tribe call Wales the West... d) because it is in the west of Great Britain. 2. In the future people will call the West Wealas (the land of slaves)...e) because the Angles and the Saxons will come to that country and the Celts will become slaves. 3. Cedric calls the Angles and the Saxons pagan Germanic tribes...c) because they weren't Christians and came from Germany. 4. Cedric calls Scotland the land of Picts and Scots...a) because other Celtic tribes — the Picts and Scots — live there. 5. People call Scotland the North...b) because it is in the north of Great Britain.
Tuesday Вторник 'tju:zdei
Wednesday Среда 'wenzdei
Thursday Четверг ˈθɜːzdei
Friday Пятница 'fraidei
Saturday Суббота 'sætədei
Sunday Воскресенье 'sʌndei