1. What problems have become one of the most urgent problems of modern society?
2. What do more and more people suffer from?
3. The reasons for such environmental problems are numerous, aren't they?
4. Is increasing number of cars in the streets one of the main problem?
5. How many trees were cut down?
6. Who all these problems mainly arise due to?
7. Are there many ways to suspend these problems?
8. Must we start caring about the planet we live in?
9. What can we save if we start recycling paper and cardboard?
10. In what case can we have less air pollution?
11. Who can also help to prevent some problems?
12. We might have to face many global disasters, might not we?
My name is (твое имя). I'm (твой возраст) old. I would like to tell you about my favourite profession.
As a child, each of us wants to become a programmer, an acrobat, an animal trainer or a chauffeur. Whenever we visit the zoo, we want to become zookeepers. When we go to the circus, we imagine ourselves being animal trainers or acrobats. When we visit the amusement park, we want to become ice cream seller. However, when we grow up, our plans rapidly change.
At the moment I’m a secondary school student and my dream profession is a programmer. My choice has been influenced by several factors. First of all, it’s the so-called family profession. My grandfather was also a programmer and he seemed to like his profession very much. Secondly, my parents and teachers have noticed that I’m rather good at Mathematics, at computer and a logic. I really like inventing and constructing various objects, so this skill might help to succeed in my favourite profession.
I know that it’s not easy to become a highly-demanded professional. But when I think of programming, I forget about the difficulties. In my opinion, being a good programmer one should combine the following traits: Mathematics, theoretical knowledge, experience and constant development. The last condition is especially important, because when the programmer stops learning about new construction techniques, his works become old-fashioned and uninteresting.
Another advantage of this profession is its significance for the society. I’d be happy to work on useful projects, such as programming for mobile devices. If by some reason my favourite profession will remain only a dream for me, I’ll choose the profession of a teacher. However, in my free time I will still programming or create some presentations.