Hello Sam,
It's been a long time since i've last written to you. How are you doing? Anything new happened in your life? I missed you. I've heard you are interested in Ukrainian newspapers and some kinds of magazines? So, I'd like to share some information with you including interesting facts in it.
There are planty of different press in Ukraine. If you are interested in politic news you can find new information in "The facts" newspaper. If you are looking for some kinds of advice about your health and lifestyle then you need to find a "Men's health" magazine.
If I were you, I would read the most popular magazine in my area - "Serial". It consists of different types of articles about anything you want. So, I'm sure you'll like it.
Best wishes, Dmitriy
1) were waiting
мы ждали на светофоре, когда произошел несчастный случай.
2) was shining
солнце светило, и мы пошли гулять
3) was feeling
я не пошел на работу, потому что зпболел
4) was reading
когда они пришли, я читал книгу
5) was playing
Брайн сломал ногу, когда играл в футбол.
6) was writing
она писала письмо-заявление полночи
7) were swimming
девушки плавали в бассейне ночью
8) was you speaking?
тв разговаривпл с ней по телефону все это время?
время: Past Continuous я выбрала, потому что действие длилось в действие длилось и прервалось другим в