1) Every day, the pollution is going worst and worst due to the increase in slow poison, which is difficult to see through our naked eyes. It may be divided into various categories like air pollution, water pollution, land pollution, noise pollution, etc. All kinds of pollution cause a lot of negative effects in our lives, such as reducing human life span, rising in natural disasters like Tsunami, tornado, earthquakes etc. If the pollution continues to develop according to the current rate we won't have any fresh air
2)Well, the idea of changing the world on your own can be really daunting. It is understandable and logically right to think, “I am just one little human; what impact can I really make on this wild wide world?” Imagine how the world would look like if everyone harbored such thought; truly, there would be chaos, disorder, and ecological imbalances.In fact, even your little seemingly insignificant actions can and will trigger millions of positive actions that can greatly affect our universe. Everyone can make a difference.
3) Forests are rapidly disappearing all over the world, alarming many people. The loss of this natural resource could spell disaster for our planet. Most of us are unsure of how we can do anything to stop this. How can we prevent this global crisis? Well, chaining yourself to a tree might make a statement, but there are many more efficient ways to prevent deforestation forests also provide protection against Natural disasters like floods and landslides, provide a great place for survival for a variety of ecosystems and beautify our communities. They are also a great place for adventure and sports. In short, we need our forests, and our forests need us!
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Английский язык
5 - 9 классы
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Письмо другу про любимые дни и любимый школьный предмет на английском
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Дорогой Энди,
за твое письмо. Было приятно приятно получить от тебя весточку.
В своем письме ты спросил меня о моих оценках в школе. Ну, я думаю, что ты можешь попытаться поговорить со своими родителями. Я уверена, что они поймут. Что касается меня, то мне нравится учиться. У меня хорошие оценки. Мой любимый предмет - математика, потому что это очень интересно. Во всяком случае, я надеюсь, что все будет хорошо.
А как насчет тебя? Какой твой любимый предмет? Нравится ли тебе школа? Есть ли у тебя друзья?
Ладно, мне лучше сейчас пойти и сделать уроки.
С наилучшими пожеланиями,
Dear Andy,
Thank you for your letter. It was great to hear from you.
In your letter your asked me about my marks in the school. Well, I think that you can try to talk to your parents. I am sure that they will understand. As for me, I love to learn. I have good marks. My favourite subject is math because it is very interesting.
Anyway, I hope that everything will be good.
And what about you? What is your favourite subject? Do you like school? Do you have any friends?
Well, I had better go now and do my homework.
With best wishes,
Соответственно, последний вопрос должен выглядеть так:
You like studying, don't you?