Viktoriya - the queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland since June 20, 1837, the empress of India since May 1, 1876 (declaration in India — on January 1, 1877), the last representative of the Hanover dynasty on a throne of Great Britain.Victoria stayed on a throne more than 63 years — more, than any other British monarch. The Victorian era coincided with industrial revolution and the period of the greatest blossoming of the British Empire. Numerous dynastic marriages of her children and grandsons strengthened relations between royal dynasties of Europe and strengthened influence of Great Britain on the continent (it called "the Grandmother of Europe"). Its birthday is still celebrated as a holiday in Canada (usually on the same day, on May 24, in Canada official birthday of the reigning monarch is celebrated also).ottsy Victoria there was the fourth son of king George III, princess Saksen-Koburgsky Victoria, the widow princess Leyningensky (1786 — on March 16, 1861), already having two children from first marriage was mother of future queen. The first name — Aleksandrina — is given her in honor of the Russian emperor Alexander I who was her Godfather. Despite quite high situation in hierarchy of inheritance, Victoria in the first years of life spoke only in German.Victoria's father, the duke Kentish, died when to the daughter there were eight months. It was brought up under the leadership of the duchess Northumberland; I received good knowledge of botany and music. As the instructor in political cases, on the princess had a great influence her uncle on mother, the king of Belgium Leopold I who was constantly corresponding with the niece. I inherited a throne on June 20, 1837, after death of the uncle on the father, Wilhelm IV who hasn't left lawful детей.20 June, 1887 all England solemnly celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of reign of queen Victoria (during this celebration by the Irish nationalists regicide, so-called "anniversary plot" prepared); in 1897 — 60-year anniversary of its reign (combined with celebrations concerning a personal record of the queen who, since 1896, surpassed George III, and her reign became the most long in the British history).Victoria died in Osborn house, on the Isle of Wight, on January 22, 1901, on the 82nd year of life and the 64th year of reign, in the presence of the beloved grandson, the German emperor Wilhelm II. It was buried near the husband in the Frogmorsky mausoleum. To it son Edward VII inherited.In honor of Victoria the largest is called in the world a water-lily — Victoria the Amazonian (Victoria-regiya) found in the British Guiana the German botanist on English service R. G. Shomburgom. Also in honor of the queen one of the largest falls of the world (Victoria Falls) and one of the largest fresh-water lakes of the world (Lake Victoria) is called. Allegedly in honor of Victoria the asteroid (12) Victoria opened in 1850 by English astronomer John Hind is called.
I spent the summer very well. All summer was dry and sunny weather. My friends and I a lot of swimming and sunbathing on the river. In the evening we played football. In July, I went with my parents to the Crimea. We were traveling through the mountains. We saw many new birds and animals. In August, I was visiting my grandmother in the garden. I helped her harvest. This year has grown a lot of fruits and berries. My grandmother was making delicious jam. The summer was great!
Education is an important part of morden life. Children start going to school at 6 or 7 . Russian school has got 3 levels of education . They are primary , secondary and high school . Weel, at primary school children have got a lot of tests . The primary school curricluman includes Russian , Maths , PT and Music. As for my school , my school is a co-education state school. We have a lot of different subjects such as History , Russian , English, Maths and many others . Many students live nearby and others come to school by bus. Classes begin at 8:00 am and end 2:05 pm . In our school there are rules , one of them wearing school uniform. But many don't follow this rule
Начальная школа в Англии. У английских детей уроки идут 5 дней в неделю. Уроки у них идут в понедельник, вторник, среду, четверг и пятницу. Уроки обычно заканчиваются в 4 часа и ученики идут домой. У них никогда не бывает уроков в субботу и воскресенье. Воскресенье и суббота это из выходные.
У английских школ есть имена, а не цифры. Они часто берут имя от места, где находится школа (Школа Гринн Хилл, Школа Седар Гров) или от знаменитых людей и важных людей (Школа Святой Марии).
В возрасте пяти лет дошкольники идут в подготовительную школу или подготовительные уроки, где они учатся 2 года пока им не станет 7 лет.В подготовительной школе они много времени проводят на свежем воздухе.
Они играют в разные игры, бегают и прыгают. Они много поют песни, танцуют и играют. Дошкольники учатся как использовать деньги в классном магазине. Они разглядывают интересные картинки и интересные книги, рисуют картинки карандашом и раскрашивают их. Они учатся как ладить с другими детьми.
Когда детям исполняется семь они идут в младшие классы, где они учатся 4 года, пока им не исполнится 11 лет. В Англии дети проводят 6 лет в начальной школе. Когда ученику исполняется 11 или чуть больше, начальная школа заканчивается.
Младшие классы уже как настоящая школа. Атмосфера более деловая, чем в подготовительной школе. Ученики сидят в ряд и следуют регулярному расписанию. Их предметы: английский, математика, история, обществознание, география, ИЗО и музыка. В младших классах плаванье, физкультура и религия тоже есть в расписании.
Но дети проводят много времени на свежем воздухе. Они посещают разные музеи и другие знаменитые и интересные места. Иногда их учителя везут детей в Лондон и другие большие города. Они много гуляют и играют. В некоторых начальных школах дети носят школьные формы, но во многих начальных школа их не носят.