Panthers — the genus of large animals in family cat's, consists of four well-known types: tiger, lion, leopard and jaguar.
Have a special structure of the throat, allowing to publish a roar. The matter is that representatives have sorts the hypoglossal device not completely stiffened — on a place of one of stones in it there is the flexible sheaf allowing a throat to be inflated. Besides, their vocal chords undivided also form the tubular structure functioning as very effective sound device.
Перевод:Панте́ры — род крупных животных в семействе кошачьих, состоит из четырёх общеизвестных видов: тигр, лев, леопард и ягуар.
Имеют особое строение гортани, позволяющее издавать рёв. Дело в том, что у представителей рода подъязычный аппарат не полностью окостеневший — на месте одной из косточек в нём находится гибкая связка, позволяющая гортани раздуваться. Кроме того, их голосовые связки неразделённые и образуют трубчатую структуру, функционирующую как очень эффективное звуковое устройство.
1)She is having (c) lunch at school today.2) Are (a) you tidying your room at the moment? 3) Do (a) you walk to school?4)My mother is making (b) cucumber sandwiches for tea now.5)His parents work (a) at a bank.6)Peter isn`t feeding (a)the animals,he is watering the garden.7)Jane isn't studying (a) hard enough for her finals. 8)They play (a) football after school.9)You aren`t concentrating (c) on your homework.10)When is (b) she taking her driving exam? 11)Don`t talk (a) with your mouth full. 12)I don't (c) like coffee.I prefer tea.13)Do you have any (b) milk?14)Give Mary the ball.Give it to her (b).15)Please go to the windows and open it (c).16)Are you coming to the park with her (c) ? 17)This food needs some (c) salt.18)There are (c) six students in the classroom today. 19)He doesn`t like (b) golf. 20)Jane washes (a) her car every Sunday.