1.whrere are the children now? 2.is the weather cold in the forest in summer? 3.what can the children do on hot summer days in the village напишите этими словами 3 предложение
I went out with my friend yesterday(Я гуляла со своими друзьями вчера) I want to do my homework today(Я хочу сделать домашнее задание сегодня) I will do something really interesting tomorrow(Я сделаю что-нибудь действительно интересное завтра) She is going to visit a dentist day after tomorrow(Она собирается посетить стоматолога послезавтра) They went to the party day before yesterday(Они ходили на вечеринку позавчера) Last wee my best friend and me were at the school(На неделе мой лучший друг и я были в школе)
1. I did not see my friend Mike last summer. Actually, I did not see him since we leftschool. 2. You saw Liza in the last few days? – No, but I have seen her today. We are going outfor dinner. 3. You ever was to South America? – Yes, I‟ve been there several times. – Whenyou last went there? – A couple of months ago. I sometimes go there on business. 4. Elmer took hundreds of pictures when he was in Europe. 5. Helen was here earlier but I think now she already left. She usually leaves theoffice at 5 o'clock. 6. Patrick left the party early because he was sick. 7. –You ever ride a camel? – Yes, I rode a camel when I was in Egypt last year. 8. Erick had a lot of free time since he moved to Thailand. 9. Bob visited the White House when he was in Washington. 10. I was to the supermarket. Look, Ive bought a lot of things.
1. Alice visited more countries than she can count. 2. I live in my hometown all my life. 3. We saw many interesting sights in the last few days. 4. Kate no found a new job yet. 5. Molly has eaten three pieces of cake today.
2)Yes, it is
3)They drink cold drinks or play games