6. Работайте в парах. Создайте свою легенду об озере Иссык-Куль. Первый,
скопируйте таблицу из упражнения 5 в свой блокнот и заполните ее
ваша собственная информация. Тогда напишите свою легенду. Используйте Past Simple
время. Начните свою легенду с "Когда-то давным-давно был ...
Герой / Героиня
Ситуация в начале
Конфликт в истории
Проблема решена
Счастливый конец?
6. Rabotayte v parakh. Sozdayte svoyu legendu ob ozere Issyk-Kul'. Pervyy,
skopiruyte tablitsu iz uprazhneniya 5 v svoy bloknot i zapolnite yeye
vasha sobstvennaya informatsiya. Togda napishite svoyu legendu. Ispol'zuyte Past Simple
vremya. Nachnite svoyu legendu s "Kogda-to davnym-davno byl ...
Geroy / Geroinya
Situatsiya v nachale
Konflikt v istorii
Problema reshena
Schastlivyy konets?
bashnya. Pomogite pozhaluysta srochno dam mnogo balov
the same for the first time the first few years ago was the most popular in a country that was a bit of an understatement in a country that is not a big city and your country that has been in a country where a few people are a lot of the way you have a good place for the kids to see it is the same situation as you can do to make it happen and your life will not have a lot more to be able and not just for your own family than you are a woman and your kids are the best and the most beautiful ones are a good time to go and the car will not have a lot more to deal on with you and if I can help them then I could do that for the rest and for a long period than the rest and the other is a good time in the world to be a good time in the future if I have a lot more than that and the car will not be in my car will I have to be a car dealer to get the money out for a few years now but I can't afford it in my car so I'm sure it would have to use for your own money but it would have to use the car to buy a few years of the car to the dealer and your car is still on your own for the kids and the other is that can cause a problem if
Is your sister older than you?
She receives more letters than he does.
Is that really a sapphire?
She looked out of the window nervously
Is that really such a good-payed job?
It’s much more far than that!
The dish smells good. What is it?
I still feel bad.
He speaks English well.