В теперішньому часі
1. Look at the sky, I think it will rain.
2. In the winter, I will go to the gym daily.
3. Jessica has a new job in Moscow! She will move there next month.
4. Mother can't take me to school. She has a dentist appointment at 9:00.
5. My brother will not be like this again, he promised.
6. Her friend broke her leg. She answers him at the hospital.
7. Mike and Boris
there will be a party. i think so
will be a very enjoyable party.
8. I have already purchased tickets. They
will leave for St. Petersburg tonight.
1) Summer holidays are coming soon. I dream of having them like that.
Visit abroad. People are like my dream. For example, in Rome, wonder the great or in Paris to see firsthand the Eiffel Tower. Visit interesting museums and exhibition halls. Take lots of great photos. Buy souvenirs for memory. Get to know other people, feel the richness of various languages.
Someday my dream came true.
2)I remembered during the summer holidays that I went to the sea with my parents.
We swam there, had fun, sunbathing.
I really enjoyed my summer holidays, we fried kebab.
and when we arrived home we went to rest.
let's say.
I went to the sea with my parents and brother (sister), and there we saw a huge crab. We swam and frolic, and at sunset my dad made a fire, and we roasted marshmallows)
Увеличивать продуктивность- to increase productivity
Травоядное млекопитающие - herbivorous mammals
Производить или мясо или яйца - produce or meat or eggs
Содержать прирученных животных - to contain domesticated animals
Выпас домашних животных - grazing pets
Ценные корма - valuable feed
Выращивать овец - to grow sheep
Разнообразные удобрения - a variety of fertilizers
Основная отрасль сельского хозяйства - the main branch of agriculture
Рабочая сила на ферме - the labor force on the farm
Как животноводство , так и растениеводство являются важными отраслями экономики во многих странах мира - as animal and crop production are important in many countnes
Фермеры выводят и выращивают разных домашних животных таких как крупный рогатый скот овцы свиньи лошади и т. п. - fermers output and raise varous domestic animals such as cattle sheep pig horse ets/
Существует несколько специализированных отраслей животноводства например пчеловодство и птицеводство - there are a few specialized livestock industries such as beekeeping and poultry