ответ: #1
1. Phil's book книга Фила
2. John's horse лошадь Джона
3. The girls' bird птица девочек
4. Joe's sister сестра Джо
5. My dolls' house дом моих кукол
6. Those children's toys игрушки тех детей
7. That man's quails перепёлки того мужчины
8. Those tigers' names имена тех тигров
9. Marcus's mother мама Маркуса
10. Mr Jones's child ребенок мистера Джонса
11. The eagle's beak клюв орла
1. Kate's dress...
2. Michael's house...
3. My friends' dogs...
4. The boys' computer...
5. Mary's umbrella...
6. Charles's horse...
7. Those women's cows...
8. Mr Parker's family...
9. Children's bells
10. Mr Parker's shirt...
3. The government gives money to the unemployed, providing they are looking for a job.
4. I would like to work as a nurse in a hospital and look after the sick.
5. Life must be easy for the rich, as they can buy whatever they like without worrying how much they spend.
6. Paramedics took the injured to hospital where they were treated.
7. There are many choices these days for the young as education has improved so much over the years.
8. The blind are often helped through daily life by trained guide dogs.
9. There are many charities which provide care for the elderly by visiting them, taking them out and bringing them meals.
10. Town planners should give more thought to the needs of the disabled.