For breakfast I would recommend cereal as it is a healthy start of the day. Later it is possible to eat something substantial. Maybe a chicken roll, some sandwich with meat and vegetables. It would be a great lunch with juice or a cup of tea. For dinner people usually have hot soup, second course, and tea or coffee. Some people prefer not to eat after 6 pm, but those who do have supper of some potatoes, meat, tea, cookies. Between the meals it would be healthy to have some nuts, fruit.
ответ: The story began above a month ago. We happily celebrated 8th March and went on preparing for our state exams Then, all of a sudden, we start to have distance learning. At first, everybody had euphoria: no school, a lot of time for playing computer games, eating and sleeping. But then, gradually, teachers start to give enormous assignments in all subjects. We have to sit in front of our computers for several hours. We don't see our friends, we don't talk to our teachers and finally, we don't go for a walk because we had to sit home. It is boring. I don't know about everyone but I miss school, I want to see my friends and teachers.
У меня есть мама и папа,и я их очень сильно люблю, если бы не они меня бы не было.Еще у меня есть бабушка с дедушкой,которые все время балуют меня вкусняшками.Я очень люблю свою семью))