1. In my free time, I enjoy reading, drawing and playing sports. (В свободное время я люблю читать, рисовать и заниматься спортом.)
2. I don't have much free time, because I study, go to extra classes and do my homework. (У меня мало свободного времени, потому что я учусь, хожу на дополнительные занятия и делаю домашние задания.)
3. My family is not that big. It consists of four people - Me, Mom, Dad and my little brother. (Моя семья не такая большая. Он состоит из четырех человек - я, мама, папа и мой младший брат.)
4. Our family activities are different, we can watch TV together, play board games and talk about different topics.(У нас разные семейные занятия, мы можем вместе смотреть телевизор, играть в настольные игры и разговаривать на разные темы.)
5. I live in Russian Federation.(Я живу в Российской Федерации)
6. My favorite school subjects are mathematics and geography.(Мои любимые школьные предметы - математика и география.)
7. Of school subjects, I don't really like Russian and history.(Из школьных предметов я не очень люблю русский язык и историю.)
8. My further goal is to go to college. I love geography very much, so I would like to learn more about countries, nature, etc.(Моя дальнейшая цель - поступить в институт. Я очень люблю географию, поэтому хотелось бы больше узнать о странах, природе и т. Д.)
9. I have not thought about work yet, but I would like to be an accountant.(О работе еще не думал, но хочу быть бухгалтером)
10. With my best friend, we play computer games and dry music.(С моим лучшим другом мы играем в компьютерные игры и слушаем музыку)
11. My best friend loves to be the center of attention, and I love not to attract the attention of others.(Мой лучший друг любит быть в центре внимания, а я люблю не привлекать внимание окружающих.)
12. I like to play computer games, they distract me from problems.(Я люблю играть в компьютерные игры, они меня отвлекают от проблем.)
13. I spend a lot of time on the Internet, I can surf the Internet for hours.(Я провожу много времени в Интернете, могу часами сидеть в Интернете)
14. I hardly watch films, I don't have enough time for them.(Фильмы почти не смотрю, на них не хватает времени.)
15. I love fantasy and adventure movies. No favorite movie.(Люблю фэнтези и приключенческие фильмы. Нет любимого фильма.)
1)Bauyrzhan Momyshuly was born in Kolbastau village of Zhualy district of Zhambyl region.
2)He was remembered for his heroic deeds during the Great Patriotic War
3)Angelina Jolie is an American film, television and voice actress, film director, screenwriter, producer, fashion model, and UN Goodwill Ambassador. Winner of the Academy Awards, three Golden Globes and two Screen Actors Guild Awards.
4)Angelina Jolie believes that the modern world needs internationalism. She stated this in Geneva in her lecture at an event in memory of Sergio Vieira de Mello, Special Representative of the Secretary-General, who died in the 2003 terrorist attack in Baghdad. According to Jolie, internationalism is a manifestation of true patriotism, not narrow-minded nationalism. “If the heads of state and government are not trying to preserve the principles of internationalism, then we - the citizens of these countries - should do it,” said Angelina Jolie.
3. I regret (to inform) you that you haven't been admitted.
4. I regret (not listening) to my mother's advice. She was right.
5. When he asked a question she always tried (to explain) everything.
6. He did everything to stop the baby (cry). He tried (feeding) him, he tried (burping) him, he tried (changing) his diapers. Yet nothing worked.
7. She didn't like (being refused), although she wasn't very happy about (going) to this party.
8. I didn't like (to eat) the fruit as I wasn't sure whether it was fresh.
9. I like (listening) to pop music.
10. The car began (making) a very strange noise so I stopped (to see) what was wrong.
11. I entirely forget (to say) anything of the kind.
12. He forgot (to tell) me his telephone number, though I remember (asking) him about it.
13. I hate her (criticising) me the way she does. But I'd hate her (to think) that her criticism hurts me, so I just keep quiet.
14. Although I usually prefer (being) frank to (being) secretive, yesterday I preferred (to keep) my opinion of Jane to myself.
15. I know he loves (skating) and would love nothing so much as (to turn) a professional.