Есть такой фразеологизм - ride a wave. переводится как ловить волну. обратите внимание - это фразеологизм, а не просто словосочетание. объясните, , что значит этот фразеологизм и подобрать фразеологизм с таким же смыслом.
Я думаю так: Т.к ''Ride a wаve''- это фразеолагизм,то его нельзя переводить дословно. Это может означать: Оказаться на гребне волны (революционного изменения,каких-то перемен,славы). Думаю в русском будет:достичь пика своей славы.
Ingredients:500 g of meat 3 or 4 potatoes1 beet2 onions2 carrots2 tbsp of tomato paste2-3 tomatoes1 red or green pepper1/4 of cabbagesome greensa small piece of pork fata glove of garlicsome saltHow to cook:Wash the meat, cut it into small pieces. Pour some cold water into a pot, salt and cook the meat until it is almost ready. Cut the potatoes into squares and put it in the meat bullion. Cut the beet into strips and fry it with some oil. Cut the onion and the carrots into squares and add them to the beet. Fry until everything is golden-brown. Add some tomato paste and grated tomatoes (without the skin) to fry as well. After a little bit add a cup of bullion. Cut the pepper into squares and add them as well. Stew everything for about 10 minutes. Now back to the bullion. Cut the cabbage into straws and put it in the bullion. After the bullion is boiling, add the mix of fried veggies and tomato paste. Add a lot of greens as well. Cook everything for about 5 minutes and then add a small piece of pork fat (I didn't add any pork fat but the borscht was still amazing) and a squeezed glove of garlic. The borscht is ready. Serve it with some sour creme and croûtons (or bread).
1) on all of your questions will be answered after the lectures . 2) delegates showed several new films. 3) I've just been offered a trip to Siberia . 4) invitations have been sent to all former students of our faculty . 5) children tell tale evening . 6) boys learn to drive a tractor , and girls grow vegetables . 7) all participants were presented with a copy of the declaration. 8) he was promised an interesting job . 9) I can not explain all the complexity of the situation. 10) we were allowed to take the books home. 11) it has not yet given a definite answer. 12) his debts were paid his relatives .
Т.к ''Ride a wаve''- это фразеолагизм,то его нельзя переводить дословно. Это может означать: Оказаться на гребне волны (революционного изменения,каких-то перемен,славы).
Думаю в русском будет:достичь пика своей славы.