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04.06.2023 22:08 •  Английский язык

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A Mystical Story
This story happened ten years ago in one English village. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson arrived in Clovelly late at night. They came from the USA to spend their holiday in a lovely surrounding. As it was rather late, they decided to stay overnight at a hotel. Next morning, after a short walk Mrs. Johnson realized that she fell in love with this peaceful place. She said she wanted to buy a house in Clovelly and move to England. So, they spent a day looking for a detached house or a mansion. Finally, they’d found one and went to see it with an estate agent. There was a kitchen, a dining room and a living room on the first floor. And, there were three bedrooms upstairs. While Mrs. Johnson was exploring the second floor, she felt a strange cool breeze coming from one room. It was the darkest and the most unpleasant room she’d ever seen. Nevertheless, they decided to buy the house but to renovate the strange bedroom upstairs. The same night they were celebrating their profitable investment at the local pub. Mr. Johnson ordered a bottle of champagne and told the bartender about their new house. The young guy went pale when he heard about that house. He said that nobody had ever wanted to buy it because of its dark past. In fact, the owner of the mansion was murdered in his bedroom. Since then people tell various mystical stories about this place. Moreover, they say that the ghost of the former landlord still dwells there. Mrs. Johnson was terrified. She said she knew there was something wrong with that room. Next day they quickly packed and caught a plane to New York. The Johnsons never came back to Clovelly again
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10 inventions of the 20th century that turned our lives people from ancient times have tried to realize dreams and fantasies in order to simplify and diversify their way of life. we list a few inventions of the 20th century that have changed the habitual outlook on life. 1. x-ray beams kvnovskaya joke says that the x-ray invented by the deacon ivanov, who told his wife: "i see through you, bitch, through and through." in fact, electromagnetic radiation was discovered in the late 19th century by the german physicist wilhelm roentgen. turning on the current in the cathode tube, the scientist noticed that a nearby paper screen, covered with crystals of platinocyanide barium, emits a green glow. according to another version, the wife brought dinner to roentgen, and when she put the plate on the table, the scientist noticed that her bones were shining through the skin. it is well known that wilhelm for a long time refused to receive a patent for an invention, not counting his studies as a full-fledged source of income. x-rays can be safely attributed to the discoveries of the 20th century. 2. aircraft since ancient times, people have tried to create an aircraft and rise above the ground. but only in 1903, the american inventors of the wright brothers managed to successfully test their "flyer-1" equipped with an engine. he was in the air for 59 seconds and flew over the kitti hawk valley 260 meters. this event is considered the moment of the birth of aviation. today without airplanes it is impossible to imagine either the development of business or leisure. "steel birds" are still the fastest mode of transport. 3. television not so long ago the tv was considered a prestigious thing, emphasizing the status of the owner. at various times many minds worked on its development. back in the xix century, the portuguese professor adriano de paiva and the russian inventor porfiry bakhmetev independently advanced the idea of ​​the first device capable of transmitting images on wires. in 1907, max dieckmann demonstrated the first television receiver with a screen size of 3x3. in the same year, professor of the petersburg institute of technology boris rosing proved the possibility of using a cathode ray tube to convert an electrical signal into a visible image. in 1908, the armenian physicist hovhannes adamyan received a patent for a two-color apparatus for signal transmission. in the late 20-ies of the 20th century in america, the first television set was compiled by the russian emigrant vladimir zvorykin. he managed to break the light beam into blue, red and green colors and get a color image. he called his model "iconoscope." however, in the west, the "father of television" is the scotsman john logie byrd, who patented the device, creating an image of eight lines. 4. mobile phone the first phone was demonstrated at the end of the xix century, and the first mobile phone appeared in the 70s of the twentieth century. when martin cooper, a motorola employee from the department for the development of portable devices, showed colleagues a kilogram tube, they did not believe in the success of the new invention. walking through manhattan, he called from his "brick" joel engel, the head of the research department of the company-competitor bell laboratories, and was the first to apply new technologies in practice. for 15 years before cooper, the soviet scientist leonid kupriyanovich also successfully carried out such an experiment. therefore, the question of who owns the palm tree in the field of portable devices is quite controversial. anyway, "mobile phones" became a discovery of the 20th century, and already firmly entered our life. 5. computer today it is difficult to imagine life without a computer, laptop or tablet. but even recently such devices were used exclusively for scientific purposes. in 1941, the german konrad zuse created a mechanical computer z3, which possessed all the properties of a modern computer, but worked on the basis of telephone relays. a year later, american physicist john atanasov and graduate student clifford berry began developing the first electronic computer, but they did not finish the project. in 1946, the relay was continued by john mokley, and introduced the first electronic computer to eniac. the decades passed before huge machines occupying entire rooms turned into compact devices. the first personal computers appeared only in the late 70-ies of the last century.
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My name is masha, i don't have a big family: my father is vitya and my mom is irina, me and my younger sister diana. and also i have an aunt marina on my father's side, and uncle david, they have two children, a girl - anya and a boy mark. and aunt anastasia, she also has a boy and a girl - jana and vyacheslav. and on my mother's side is aunt nadia, she also has two children: mira and lyosha. i have wonderful grandmothers and grandfathers. the grandmothers are suzy and katya, grandfathers are called myron and gregory. it is a pity that we all live so far away. but in the summer we see each other. my father's work is connected with cars, he repairs, paints and does many things. mom is a confectioner, she cooks different cakes. my sister is a beginner artist, and i am a dancer. in our free time we like to watch different films with the whole family. my parents always support and give advice to me. i love my family. i want to be a good daughter and make my family happy.
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