Write questions using the second conditional. Then ask and answer.
The Invisible Man
1 What (would you do) if (you became) invisible? I would play hide-and-seek.
The Book of Words
2 If (you travelled) back in time and meet Abai Kunanbaiuly, what (would you ask) him? I would ask him about The Book of Words.
The Dark Knight
3 If (you had) a special power, what (would it be)? I would be able to fly.
4 If (you were) a superhero, (would you tell) your friends? I would tell them not to be afraid of anything.
5 (Would you love) a person if (you discovered) he or she was a vampire? I would play hide-and-seek. I would feed them with meat.
Before I answer the question
Did I do my homework
I'd like to take this opportunity to say
You're the greatest teacher
That I've ever had
Understanding and forgiving
Especially today
And if they gave a nobel prize
For really cool techers
I'm sure you would win it
Because you're really cool
Especially how nice you are
When someone doesn't do their homework
That makes you the greatest teacher
In this whole great school
Just as an example
Of how you're the coolest teacher
If someone told you right now
They didn't get their homework done
You'd probably give them extra
Extra extra credit
Just for being honest
And then say go have fun
Now I can't remember
The question you asked me
But you look really nice today
Of course you always do
Anyway I guess we should
Let you get back to teaching
All the kids are waiting
But it was great talking to you
Yes all the kids are waiting
To learn from a great techer like you