dear karina,
how are the things going on? did something new happen in your life? having received your letter, i wanted to answer it immediately. but i was working a lot during the last two weeks. so i was pressed for time and did not manage to carry out my intentions.
in my country spring has already set. it is quite warm and really sunny all days long. being at work i always imagine myself strolling down some parks. i wish you could join me! it would be funny! some days ago my friend advised me to read a very interesting book. i did it and i would like you to know this author. are you ready to read good litterature?
tell me more about your work and free time. are you satisfied with all this? what are your plans for this summer? maybe we will be able to meet one day?
truly yours,
дорогая карина,
как ты поживаешь? есть что-нибудь новенькое? я хотела сразу же ответить на твое письмо, но в последние две недели у меня было много работы. времени не хватало, чтобы осуществить свои планы.
у нас уже пришла весна. на улице тепло и солнечно целый день. во время работы я постоянно представляю себя гуляющей по различным паркам. я бы хотела, чтобы ты составила мне компанию. было бы весело! несколько дней назад подруга посоветовала мне почитать интересную книгу. я ее прочла и хотела бы познакомить тебя с этим автором. ты готова читать хорошую ?
расскажи мне больше о работе и отдыхе. тебя все устраивает? какие у тебя планы на лето? может, мы как-нибудь встретимся?
всегда твоя,
As we know Employee Manual is a document that tells staff what to expect from working with you.Methods of personnel management are ways of influencing the staff, aimed at achieving the goals of the organization. There are three methods of personnel management:
The administrative method of personnel management is based on labor discipline, power, a sense of duty, and the desire to participate in the corporate culture. For this purpose, regulatory documents are used: the charter, regulations on divisions, staffing table.
The economic method of personnel management is the creation of economic conditions that motivate employees to achieve their goals and objectives.
The socio-psychological method of personnel management is a method of socio-psychological influence on the staff. This method includes: analysis of the team and internal labor relations.
The opportunities for a manager to improve their skills in personnel management are diverse: Of course, if you have time for complete knowledge, you can go to universities. Within the framework of higher education or MBA programs, you can master the basic theories of leadership, study many psychological aspects of personnel management, and get acquainted with the main practices in the field of personnel management. However, in such a situation, it is not always possible to get practical skills in personnel management, and not every university highlights new trends and trends in the field of personnel management. Another possibility is a variety of courses, trainings, seminars that cover various aspects of personnel management, and so on.
3 Where is her home?
4 How many people does she manage?
5 Does she go to international conferences?
6 Does she have meetings every day?
7 Is she happy in her job?
8 Does she like administrative work?
9 What does she enjoy in her free time?