Много ! 1. make sentences from these words: a) leave \ married \ when \ or \ home \ they \ people \ start \ get \ job \ their \ young \ most \ first b) the \ russia \ to \ right \ of which \ education \ guaranteed \ citizens \ the \ have\ constitution \ is \ by c) the \ of \ area \ america \ world’s \ country \ largest \ land \ third \ is \ by d) \ pollution\ air \ is \ activities \ problem \ through \ air \ their \ daily \ people \ water \ that’s why \ pollute \ important \ soil 2.make sentences from these words: get penalty, to lend to the government, to check payments, exception, to escape, in need, to withdraw, on retirement, to cover expenditures, fixed term, allowances from the state. 3.translate the abbreviations into russian: vat, paye, nic, gnp, dtr. 4.form the next words: a) существительное от глагола: b) глагол от существительного: save, invest, pay, tax, differ declaration, withdrawal, earning, contribution 5.choose correct answer (present simple / present continuous): 1. pierre … twenty cigarettes a day, but he … now because he's in class. a) smokes, isn’t smoking b) is smoke, not smoking c) smoking, not smoke 2. alice and peter … for a new house. they … living in london. a) look, not like b) look, don’t like c) are looking, don’t like 3. why you … to bed? it's only 10 p.m. – i always … to bed early. a) do you go, go b) going, go c) are you going, go present simple / future simple (conditionals of time and clause): 4. a teacher … me a lift to work tomorrow if i like. a) will give b) gives c) gave 5. i … and see venice when i … italy. a) will go, will reach b) go, reach c) will go, reach 6. she … if you ask her. a) will come b) come c) are coming past simple / present perfect: 7. i … anna ten years ago. a) meet b) have met c) met 8. my sister … to france. a) did never go b) has never been c) never go 9. star wars is on tv tomorrow. … it? a) did you see b) have you ever seen c) do you see 7.insert a necessary form of verb (present, past, future simple, present continuous): 1. i (to apply) for a visit visa and (to want) to make a journey to your country. 2. my train to london (to leave) in two hours. 3. he (not to receive) a salary last month. 4. my aunt mary (to go) to the cinema with her daughter on saturday evening. 8. расположите фразы в логической последовательности: 1. steal 2. receive punishment 3. break the law 4. get into trouble with the police 5. commit a crime. дополните предложения 1. we have carefully examined the samples from this consignment and offer you (без ущерба для наших прав) an allowance of 50 us cents per 100 kilos in full settlement of your claim. 2. failing your acceptance of this offer, the claim (будет направлена в арбитраж). 3. the goods are (хуже образца) on the basis of which the contract was concluded. 4. after a thorough examination of the wheat we (предъявляем вам следующую претензию). 5. we are arranging for the despatch of the three crates (которые остались непогруженными) on board the m/v victoria. 6. we apologize for the delay of the goods which was due to (по не зависящим от нас причинам). 7. there is a clear (расхождение) between the packing lists and the invoice. 8. our agent (приняли поставку партии товаров) in accordance with the instructions contained in your advice of despatch. 9. whether there has been (хищение) or not is a matter for a special investigation. 10. we are claiming from you the amount of $ 5,000 being (разница в цене) between barley grade a and grade b. 11. we have examined the consignment of coffee shipped by m/v victoria against contract no. 345 and (в соответствии с условиями контракта) we find that the goods are inferior to the sample on the basis of which (заключен контракт). 12. we ask you to arrange for the despatch of (замены) for the missing part at once.
People first tamed animals a very long time ago. It was a necessity - they needed to have meat, milk, fur at hand. It was easier to have animals near than to go hunting in dangerous conditions. Then people tamed the next group of animals - to protect the useful animals from the wild. And suddenly humans realized that it was fun to have a home animal. Thus first pets took their place in the homes of our ancestors. Nowadays people can choose a wide range of different pets - cats, dogs, mice, hamsters, snakes, lizards, birds. The most popular are cats and dogs. But I think it is easier to have a caged pet. For example, chinchillas. Because modern people spend most of the time at work, in my opinion it is cruel towards dogs or cats who might feel lonely. But if I speak of myself I would choose a dog, because it is a loyal and kind creation and I like long walks where my dog would be a companion.